Guess Frankies breeds

    • Gold Top Dog

    Guess Frankies breeds

    This is Frankie, we found him wandering around our street and fell inlove. We suspect someone dumped him here, thinking 'Oh its a farm, these people cant have enough dogs!' Grr Anyways.

    Hes really friendly, never has met a person he didnt like. He licked the vet on the nose when we took him to get his puppy shots. The vet said he is about four months old but I dont know.

    I suspect him of being part Bull Terrier however someone suggested to us he could be all Pitt Bull. One of my neighbors has an intact Chihuahua who is the same color as he and she swears he is part Chi. lol Any guesses are welcome. :)

    A pic of his teeth.

    • Gold Top Dog

    What a cutie!  In that second pic, his head looks a little like a Bull Terrier.  In the fourth pic, his head looks a little Shar Pei-ish.  I've never seen a tri-colored colored Bull Terrier, but the breed standard didn't say what colors they are allowed to be.  There might be a little Jack/Parson Russel in the mix, too.  So, looks like my guess is Bull Terrier/Shar Pei/JRT.  Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    could be some pit bull...I see JRT in there too...and something was saying beagle to me also.

    I'll just say he's adorable!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh what the heck, I'll play.  Big Smile

    I think the head is all bull terrier also, but the coloring says beagle to me.  Maybe a mix of a light/white bull terrier and a beagle would cause that mix of coloration?  It'll be interesting to see where his size tops out at.

    Definitely a cutie!

    • Gold Top Dog

     The colors and the tail remind me of a beagle... But I'm no good at this breed guessing games...

    He's a beautiful puppy though! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    No one's seen a colored bull terrier before?!

    Here's a link to a picture of puppies and a few other pictures of colored BT.

    • Gold Top Dog


    No one's seen a colored bull terrier before?!

    Here's a link to a picture of puppies and a few other pictures of colored BT.


    No one's seen a colored bull terrier before?!...

     Actually, if you read the OP and my response, you will see that we both mentioned Colored Bull Terriers.    I even made reference to the breed standard, and that it doesn't say what color are acceptable.  Wink 

    ETA Oops, just realized that in my orginal reply I didn't specify Colored BT.  It was definitely in my brain, just never made it to the keyboard!  LOL



    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks everyone for the reply!

    I would guess from yalls replies that he is a Bull Terrier/Beagle maybe som Jack Russel Terrier as well.

    He is real smart and has already learned Fetch, Come, and Sit. We are working on some of the harder commands right now but boy is he smart! He doesnt bay like a hound but the color is right. I hope his ear start standing up like a BT. That woud be cute. :3

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think he's just adorable...

    I like his name too...

    • Gold Top Dog

    If he is part bull terrier... WELCOME TO THE CLUB :)

    I have a BT and she LOVES the camera so you will see lots of pics of her! Why don't you post some more pics of you lil man..

    • Gold Top Dog
    lol Thanks. Frank is very people friendly.Ill try to get some pics uploaded soon.
    • Gold Top Dog

    He is a cutie!!!!!!!, along with the other dogs. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     i'm going to guess either BT or Fox Terrier with beagle or pit mix. mix and match as you see fit lol but the tri colour says terrier or hound. the ears? ummmmmmmmmmmm no idea lol those are weird ears but so freakin cute!

    • Gold Top Dog
    Hehe thanks!

    Beagle does fit the coloring but he doesnt bay or howl like one, and he doesnt track the scents of wild animals or atleast not as much as my other boys do. We are starting to get Pitty remarks more often. I think I will just call him a PittRat Terrier Bull. lol

    • Gold Top Dog

    yep i'd call him a Terribull Mix - aka terrible mix -  dont die laughing at my dumb jokes lol