10 Top Favorite & T0 Least Favorite Purebreds

    • Gold Top Dog

    Top 10 Faves.. (in no order)

    1. Beauceron (own)

    2. Akita (will never own another one, but they are gorgeous!)

    3. Irish Setter

    4. Tibetan Mastiff (not the breed for me, but ive adored for many years)

    5. Saluki

    6. Amstaff

    7. Presa Canario

    8. Dogo Argentino

    9. Ibizan Hound

    10. Bull terrier

    yep, im a fan of the big dogs, and rather uncommon breeds...mostly herding, working, and sporting (and sighthounds)

    Breeds im personally not to fond of...


    2. Yorkies

    3. Chis

    4. Toy Poodles

    5. Bedlington Terriers

    6. poorly breed pits (maybe its just the idiots that own them)

    7. Lab

    8. Rat terriers

    9. miniature schnauzers

    No offense to anyone..and im sure its mostly just that most of these breeds are so popular and overbred, that all the examples ive seen have been godawful.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Kinda makes me sad to see how many dislike Chihuahuas. Sad  They are such wonderful, loving little dogs.

    I think it's what Chi's represent to a lot of people; yappy purse dogs. Of course I know this isn't true and I wouldn't be opposed to owning a cute little longhaired Chi someday. When I lived in LA I loved seeing all the tough looking guys walking their little Chi Chi's. Always put a smile on my face to see a tough dude comfortable enough with his manhood to scoop up his little Chi and give it kisses on the lips. If it makes you feel better, I strongly dislike America's favorite breeds; labradors and Goldens. (don't hate them folks, just don't care for their personalities and I've met some very aggressive labs that have attacked my dogs for virtually no reason)
    • Gold Top Dog

    Top Ten Favorites 

    1. Rough Collie (used to have one, great temperaments)

    2. Alaskan Klee Kai (obviously!)

    3. Alaskan Malamute (gorgeous dogs, go-go independent thinkers)

    4. Border Collie (such intelligence!)

    5. Finnish Lapphund (love them! beauty and brains)

    6. Australian Shepherd

    7. Siberian Husky

    8. Belgian Tervuren (great dogs, again great intelligence)

    9. Pembroke Welsh Corgi (the ears!! and personality)

    10. Shetland Sheepdog

    10.5 - Norbottenspets (I want one, they're such a calm, affectionate breed) 

    It's funny, because I also have rabbits, and love small furry animals, but I seem to love breeds that either want to herd them or eat them!  

    And I don't really have a list of dogs I dislike.  I think I would give every breed a chance, it really depends on the individual dog.   

    • Puppy
    I've been a lurker for a while now but I thought I would share my likes and dislikes on particular breeds... I've always grown up with big dogs such as GSD and American Staffordshire Terriers, Labs, Mixes and didn't like toy breeds until I actually agreed to dog-sit my best friends Pug and now I'm in love. I honestly don't think I could have another dog larger than 40 lbs.

    Oddly enough my two favorite breeds seem to the be the ones that are most disliked... Oh well, means less people are more likely to break into my home and steal my dogs (which has been happening in my area, sadly enough).


    1. Pugs
    2. Chihuahua
    3. English Bulldog
    4. French Bulldog
    5. Samoyed
    6. Siberian Husky
    7. American Eskimo
    8. Shiba Inu
    9. Weimaraner
    10. Mixes!

    I don't really dislike any well-behaved, sweet dogs... but I would only probably own any from my list... (I currently have a Chihuahua... maybe there is a Pug in my future). I also love how the smaller dogs are more economical... when I had Chelsea (Boxer Mix) before she passed everything cost so much more.
    • Bronze

    My Top ten: number one is correct others aren’t in order.


    1. Great Dane(will always be number one)

    2. English Bull Dog

    3. American Pit Bull Terrier

    4. French Mastiff - Dogue de Bordeaux

    5. English Mastiff

    6. Japanese Chin

    7. Saluki

    8. German Shorthair Pointer

    9. Ibizan Hound

    10. American Staffordshire Bull Terrier


    Bottom 10:

    1. Golden Retriever

    2. Yorkshire Terrier

    3. Poodle

    4. Shih Tzu (go figure)

    5. Dalmation

    6.  Cocker Spaniel

    7. Chinese Shar  Pei

    8. Neapolitan Mastiff

    9. Akita

    10. Bull Terrier

    As others have said my top ten are not breeds I dislike or hate, they are simply breeds I just wouldn't own.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I just found this thread and thought it was really neat. I know it's old, but I'd like to do it anyway!


    1. Labrador Retriever (always will be my first love)
    2. Bloodhound
    3. Blue Tick Coonhound
    4. Cocker Spaniel
    5. Golden Retriever
    6. St. Bernard
    7. American Bulldog
    8. Basset Hounds
    9. Flat Coated Retriever
    10. Pointer


    1. Pomeranian
    2. Maltese
    3. Chihuahua
    4. Yorshire Terriers
    5. Poodles
    6. Shih Tzu
    7. Min Pin
    8. Akita
    9. Basenjis (don't like the tight curly tail)
    10. Cane Corso (only because I don't like the docked tail look)
    • Gold Top Dog

    TOP 10 FAVORITE BREEDS (for now, it changes!):

    1. Dachshund
    2. Manchester Terrier
    3. Italian Greyhound
    4. Doberman Pinscher
    5. German Shepherd
    6. Akita
    7. Papillon
    8. Chihahua
    9. Australian Cattle Dog
    10. Collie


    1. Boxer
    2. Lab
    3. Yorkshire Terrier
    4. Shih Tzu
    5. Weimaraner
    6. Saint Bernard
    7. German Shorthaired Pointer
    8. Schnauzer
    9. Pekingese
    10. anything-poo or doodle



    • Gold Top Dog
    Top Ten Fav's

    1. Mutts, Mongrels, Mixedbreeds. (More diversity then any other breed lol)

    2. Golden Retreivers (Such trainable, mild dogs. Easy to live with. )

    3. Mastiffs (Big teddy bears dogs...if they know you, that is)

    4. Schnauzers

    5. Terriers (Fiesty little things but full of personality)

    6. Standard Poodles (Super agile and trainable dogs, plus you can give them cool hair doos)

    7. Labradors (Crazy, stubborn animals and yet I love them )

    8. Weimaraners (Beautiful smart dogs, if I ever need a gun dog then this is what Im gonna get.)

    9. Iggys (Someday im gonna own one of those)

    Top Ten Least Fav's

    1. Chihuahua
    2. Daschund
    3. Shelties (Good dogs but not a breed I think I would ever end up owning)
    4. Basset Hounds (To stubborn for me.)
    5. English Bull Dog (To much Wheezing)
    6. Old English Sheepdog (Had a bad encounter with one)
    .....I cant think of any more I dont really like.

    • Gold Top Dog


    1. BEAGLES!!! Cool
    2. German Shepherds (working or show/working line crosses - Am show lines yuk!)
    3. Schipperke
    4. Redbone Coondawg
    5. Basset Hounds (working lines - show lines yuk!)
    6. Siberian Husky
    7. Tibetan Mastiff (if I only had acerage ...)
    8. Doberman Pinscher
    9. English Foxhounds
    10. Rottweilers


    1. PIT BULLS Super Angry
    2. "Designer" mutts
    3. Bulldogs (Am & English)
    4. Am Cocker Spaniels
    5. English Springer Spaniels
    6. Most terriers except Patterdales/JRTs - cool dawgs!
    7. American Foxhounds
    8. Norwegian Elkhounds
    9. Japanese Chin
    10. Pekignese

         Most of my leat favorites I've either met repeatedly and don't care for the temperaments of those particular specimens or don't care for the look, personailty traits characteristic of the breeds. Pit Bulls make my $*** list because I've never met one that never showed human or animal aggro, even the "reliable" ones ...

    • Gold Top Dog


    1. corgis - pembroke
    2. malinois
    3. afghans
    4. jack russels
    5. corgis - cardigan
    6. vallhunds
    7. bouviers
    8. pugs
    9. english bulldogs
    10. *good, working line* czech gsd's and a few w. german working line gsd's


    1. american cockers
    2. boxers
    3. any of the other gsd's
    4. airedales
    5. wheatons
    that's it...and that's from working in a boarding kennel - those are some of the filthiest breeds!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I can't remember if I did this one, so I'll just do it again or something.

    Top 10:

    1. Finnish Lapphunds

    2. Pembroke Corgis

    3. Akita Inu

    4. Canaan Dog

    5. Basenji

    6. Leonberger

    7. Borzoi

    8. Pyrenean Mountain Dog

    9.  Swedish Vallhund (because Pyry is such a special little man)

    10. Bouvier de Flandres


    Bottom 10:

    1. Maltese

    2. Australian Terrier

    3. Lab

    4. Golden Retriever

    5. Yorkie

    6. JRT

    7. Boxer

    8. Silky Terriers

    9. Airedale Terrier

    10. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 

    • Gold Top Dog

    re:HoundMusic's comment on Pit Bulls...it makes me very sad that you have such strong reservations when it comes to this breed, i wish you could come to my work or meet my friends dogs...what great embassadors of the breed.  i hope one day you get to meet one, when you do, trust me, you'll adore them:)  Where I work we've banned 3 Pit Bulls for either human or dog aggression & TONS of JRT's, Labs, GSD'S, Boxers & the ever luvable mutt for both types of aggression in the yrs i've worked.



    1. Pressa Canario(will neve be w/out one!)

    2. Dogue de Bordeaux(never be w/out one as well!)

    3. South African Boerboel

    4. Bullmastiff

    5. Cane Corso

    7. Neo's

    8. Pit Bull/Am Staff Terriers

    9. Caucasian Ovtcharka(amazing beast but the hair just isn't for me)

    10. Westies(...i know but i just can't help myself:)

    Honorable Mentions(will never own one but love them none the less: Rotties(owned one for 11yrs-the best & most loyal companion ever but really don't like their look to much, they're too tall/lanky for my taste),  Dobies(so regal!), Fila, Argentino Dogo, Frenchies & yes the PUG!



    1. Lab

    2. JRT

    3. Boxer

    4. Weimaraner

    5. Germ. Shep.

    6. Husky/Samoyed(love their look but too vocal for me)

    7. Poodle

    8. Beagle

    9. Pointer

    10. Boston Terier

    *i worked/managed @ a doggie daycare for a bit over 9yrs(now just part time-i couldn't stay away) & at one time i liked most of these breeds but knowing now what i know...they're not for everyone...& i don't mean this in a negative way at all(honestly--look at the breeds i own & love as well).  just that some are too vocal, some to high strung, aggressive, inbred ect...i guess what it comes down to is people not doing their homework before picking out "their breed" & on top of that no training is done....what a disaster!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pit Bulls make my $*** list because I've never met one that never showed human or animal aggro, even the "reliable" ones ...

    That's strange. I noticed your area...bronx. I wonder if it's your location. To this day, i have never met a human aggressive pit bull. Dog aggressive, yes. And i'd say there are more pit bulls than any other breed here. Just curious if the location may play a role.

    • Gold Top Dog

    First and foremost, I am a HUGE fan of "mutts". We've always have a "mutt" in our household and they always end up being the healthiest, friendliest, most wonderful dogs ever. 


        1. Standard Poodles (I have 3 of them)

        2.  Boxer (my daughter has one and we just adore him)

        3.  Alaskan Malamutes (We used to raise/breed them - wonderful dogs)

        4.  Weimareiner (Gorgeous color)

        5.  Bull Mastiff

        6.  Golden Retriever

        7.  Springer Spaniel

        8.  Old English Bulldog

        9.  Newfoundland

        10. Samoyed

    10 LEAST FAVORITE BREEDS: (I don't dislike them at all; just wouldn't want one)

        1.  Jack Russell Terrier

        2.  Basset Hounds

        3.  Chihuahua

        4.  Beagle

        5.  Chesepeake Bay Retreivers

        6.  Shiba Inu

        7.  Lab

        8.  German Shephard

        9.  Most Terriers

       10. Most Toy dogs 




    • Gold Top Dog

     in no particular order

    top 10 favs:

    pomeranian-i own one

    american cocker spaniel

    shetland sheepdog

    pug- i own one

    siberian huskies 

    golden retrievers 

    bichon frise

    long coat chihuahua

    chow chow

    scottish terrier 

    not much of a fan

    chinese crested

    yorkshire terrier

    shih tzu

    jack russell terrier