10 Top Favorite & T0 Least Favorite Purebreds

    • Gold Top Dog
    Top 10 dogs-
    Lhasa Apso - have a half of one right now
    Cocker Spaniel -had one
    Irish Stetter - had one
    German Shepherd - had one
    Border collie - had one
    Yellow Lab - had one
    Tibetan terrier - Want one
    Chinese Crested (hairless) - Want one
    Yorkshire Terrier - want one
    Fluffy - looked like a min. sheep dog - owned her - wish she was still here with me
    • Gold Top Dog
    1~Great Dane
    4~Tosa Inu
    5~English Bulldog
    6~Bull Mastiff
    9~St. Bernard
    10~Blood hound
    Least Favorites
    4~Lhasa Apso
    5~Shih Tzu
    7~Jack Russel Terriers
    • Gold Top Dog
    Top Ten:

    1. Shikoku
    2. Kai Ken
    3. Shiba Inu
    4. Norwegian Buhund
    5. Karelian Bear Dog
    6. Siberian Husky
    7. Kishu
    8. Border Collie
    9. Anything that falls into the category of "pit bull"
    10. Papillon

    Botton Ten:

    1. Poodle
    2. English Bulldog
    3. Pug
    4. Komondor
    5. Xoloinsquintli (sp?)
    6. Chinese Crested Dog
    7. Shih Tzu
    8. Schnauzer
    9. Bedlington Terrier
    10. Mastiff

    Picking the top ten was easy, but the other list was hard! I just picked dogs I would never want to own because of intensive coat care, short faces (and the breathing trouble that accompanies them), or insane drooling. I can't handle any of those things.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Top 10 in order
    1. Doberman Pinscher
    2. Belgian Malinios
    3. Presa Canario
    4. Boxer
    5. American Pit Bull Terrier
    6. Weimeraner
    7. German Shorthair Pointer
    8. Cane Corso Mastiff
    9. Australian Shepherd
    10. Fila Brasileiro
    Bottom 10 in order
    1. Chihuahua
    2. Pug
    3. Dachshund (Yes, I am aware that I have 2. I love mine but not the breed in general.)
    4. Cocker Spaniels
    5. Min. Pinscher
    6. Boston Terrier
    7. Pekingese
    8. Pomeranian
    9. German Shepherd
    10. Maltese
    • Gold Top Dog
    My list is just generalization, there are exceptions!

    10 favorite breeds:

    Shih Tzu
    Shar Pei
    French Bulldog
    Boston Terrier
    Japanese Chin
    Toy Poodle

    10 least favorite breeds:

    Pit Bull/Amstaff (simply because I don't like how rough they are- they play hard and do everything with a lot of force, even wagging their tail against you hurts)
    Shiba Inu
    Spitz breeds (especially the American Eskimo)
    Fila Brasileiro
    German Shepherd
    • Gold Top Dog
    Boy, this is a toughie!  Here goes:

    Am Staff/APBT
    Staffy Bull
    French Bulldog
    Pharoah hound

    Labs--dealt with too many poorly bred ones
    Goldens--see above
    Chihuahua --I would be afraid I would step one the poor little dog
    Husky--like them, but too much coat!
    Italian greyhound--afraid I would step on it
    Airedale--grooming issues
    Poodles--like them, but grooming issues too
    Shar Pei--too many health issues
    Chesapeak--had one as a kid--TOUGH dogs
    Old English sheepdog--grooming issues again

    • Gold Top Dog
    Top 10 favorites (first three in order):

    1) Papillon (surprise?)- gorgeous dogs with the absolute best personality out there
    2)Ibizan hounds
    3) Shetland Sheepdog
    4) Doberman
    5) Rottweiler
    6) Afghan hound
    7) Borzoi
    8) German Shepherd Dog
    9) Havanese
    10) American Staffordshire Terrier

    Okay, so if you can tell, I like all sorts of breeds. I'm not much of a small dog person, though I adore Paps.  Okay... I'm an all size dog person.  And Havanese are such neat little dogs! Hmm... I've been thinking on my least favorite breeds and I really think I don't have any.

    Let's just say there are many breeds I'd never own... spitzes and terriers mainly and many toy breeds and most bully breeds (Though I make an exception for Am Staffs.  Probably will never own one, but I think they're amazing animals) 

    I like individual dogs, just can't see myself ever owning them.    
    • Gold Top Dog
    My DH wanted me to post his lists...

    1. shikoku
    2. kai ken
    3. shiba inu
    4. kishu
    5. hokkaido
    6. siberian husky
    7. malamute
    8. norwegian buhund
    9. canadian eskimo dog
    10. greenland dog

    1. chihuahua
    2. the taco bell dog (I told him that was a chihuahua, but he wants it in its own category)
    3. poodle
    4. afghan hound
    5. argentine dogo
    6. barbet
    7. basset hound
    8. bedlington terrier
    9. bichon frise
    10. black russian terrier
    11. bolognese
    12. borzoi
    13. boxer
    14. bouvier des flanders
    15. boston terrier
    16. bull terrier
    17. briad
    18. bulldog
    19. chinese shar pei
    20. chow chow
    21. dachshund
    22. neopolitan mastiff
    23. olde english bulldogge
    24. old english sheepdog
    25. pekingese
    26. pug
    27. saluki
    28. sealyham terrier
    29. soft-coated wheaten terrier
    30. spaniels (all of them)
    31. staffordshire bullterrier
    32. welsh corgi
    33. whippet
    • Gold Top Dog
    1. Pembroke Welsh Corgi
    2. Lhasa Apso
    3. AmStaff
    4. Shiba Inu
    5. Shih Tzu
    6. German Shepherd
    7. Aussies
    8. Rottweiler
    9. Mutts (not byb designer breeds, just mutts)
    10. Irish Setters

    Least Likely to Own
    1. Schnauzers (had one, never again)
    2. Pomeranians (Baxter's half... but no)
    3. Chihuahua (see previous)
    4. Chows
    5. Huskies
    6. Labrador Retrievers (Akasha's a doll, but no)
    7. English bulldogs
    8. French bulldogs
    9. Boston terriers
    10. Golden Retrievers
    • Gold Top Dog
    Here's my list of breeds I've got in the back of my mind for if I decide against another chow someday--
    1.  rough collie
    2.  samoyed
    3.  sheltie
    4.  alaskan malamute
    5.  keeshond
    6.  english setter
    7.  great pyrenees
    8.  newfoundland
    9.  bernese mountain dog
    10. golden retreiver
    11. springer spaniel--I just had to add this one.

    I love all dogs but as far as personal preference I like my own dog to be long furred and medium to large in size.  I don't prefer dogs that show a lot of ribs or appear too thin when they aren't.  Or, ones that the bottom teeth always show.
    Least likely to own--
    cocker spaniel
    • Gold Top Dog
    Top 10 Faves in order
    10. Newfoundland - I love hair!
    9.  Portugese Water Dog - Don't know why, I just do!
    8. Belgian Tervuren - Well, I mean...come on...so pretty!  I love them, except they're a bit too reactive for my liking.
    7. Boxer - Used to have one, they're just so sweet
    6. Bernese Mountain Dog - For something that only comes in one pattern, it sure is fetching!
    5. Rottweiler - Big and burly!
    4. Briard - The hair! So purty!
    3. Giant Schnauzer - Uber awesome schutzhund breed xD
    2. Cardigan Welsh Corgi - The CUTENESS!
    1. German Shepherd Dog - Own two
    Top 10 Least Faves in order
    10. Smooth Fox Terrier
    9. Sussex Spaniel
    8. Scottish Terrier
    7. American Cocker Spaniel
    6. Chihuahua
    5. Chinese Shar-Pei
    4. Chow Chow
    3. Chesapeake Bay Retriever
    2. Pekingese
    1. Labrador Retriever
    • Gold Top Dog

    Belgian Groendahl (sp?), Tervuren , or Malinois
    Golden Retriever
    Springer Spaniel
    Australian Shepherd
    Flat Coated Retriever
    Anatolian Shepherd
    German Shepherd
    Dutch Shepherd
    Bernese Mountain Dog

    Mini Schnauzer
    Min Pin
    Chinese Crested
    Shar Pei
    • Gold Top Dog
    Top Ten
    1. Goldens
    2. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
    3. Viszla
    4. German Shepherd
    5. Belgian Tervuren and Malinois
    6. Alaskan Malamutes and Siberian Huskies
    7. Chesapeake Bay Retriever
    8. Well bred Labs
    9. Flat Coated Retrievers
    10. Border Collies and Australian Shepherds
    Least Favorite
    1. Dachshunds
    2. yorkies
    3. Chis
    4. Pug
    5. Chinese Crested
    6. Rottweiler
    7. PBGV
    8. Italian Greyhound
    9. Poodles
    10. Bull Terrier
    • Gold Top Dog
    1. Shelties
    2. Papillons
    3. Big fuzzy dogs (Catalan Shepherd? Maybe Old English Sheepdog though I've never met one)
    4. Pound dogs!

    Dogs I do not like (because of people I hate that have owned them, or just a few unfortunate examples of the breed I've encountered, or just not liking their looks):
    1. Pugs
    2. Schipperkes
    3. Bulldogs
    4. Mastiffs
    • Gold Top Dog
    Hmm top 10 favorite...
    1. Akita
    2. Beagle
    3. Belgian Tervuren
    4. Tibetan Mastiff
    5. Bernese Mountain Dog
    6. Pug
    7. Anatolian
    8. Cardigan Welsh Corgi
    9. Great Dane
    10. Alaskan Malemute

    Least favorite...meaning either for reason of appearance, grooming, or disposition I'd never choose to own one:
    1. Old English Sheepdog
    2. Puli
    3. Komondor
    4. Bergamasco
    5. Bearded Collie
    6. Border Collie
    7. Labrador Retriever
    8. Golden Retriever
    9. Neapolitan Mastiff
    10. Maltese