10 Top Favorite & T0 Least Favorite Purebreds

    • Gold Top Dog

    10 Top Favorite & T0 Least Favorite Purebreds

    Hello Fellow Dog Lovers! ^_~

    Here you can share with us about your own personal top 10 favorite purebreds here and even top 10 of least favorite purebreds. I would love to hear your reasons why you picked them, although that part is optional. It would be interesting to see what everyone who posts has to say of there own personal taste. Do you think 10 is an reasonable number? I'll write my picks soons!!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Missed the "10" part and least favorite:  None in any particular order.
    Top: Border Collie-have one
            Australian Cattle Dog-lived with them
            Australian Kelpie-would love to have one
            Siberian Husky-lived with them and would love to have my own
            Alaskan Malamute
            Northern Inuit Dog-would love to own one
            South African Boerboel-not sure why, but I've always been drawn to the breed
            Pyrenean Mastiff
    Bottom: ;Pug-can't stand the way they look
                 Shih Tzu
                 Basset Hound
                 Japanese Chin
                 Yorkshire Terrier
                 Chinese Crested
    I have nothing against my bottom 10 as I know they certainly have their fans out there.  They just aren't breeds I would ever personally own.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Top 10, in order of favorite first:

    1) Belgian Malinois
    2) German Shepherd
    3) Dutch Shepherd (short coat)
    4) Australian Kelpie
    5) Akita
    6) Labrador Retriever
    7) Border Collie
    8) Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
    9) Siberian Husky
    10) Australian Cattle Dog/Blue Heeler

    Least Favorites (Sorry! Still love 'em, just would never pick 'em.  I'm not a terrier person, I don't like the smashed faces, and I'm not into curly or wiry hair):

    Poodles (any size)
    Schnauzers (any size)
    Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
    Beglington Terrier
    Airedale Terrier
    Wheaton Terrier
    Kerry Blue Terrier
    • Gold Top Dog
    Top 10, in no particular order:

    Alaskan Malamute
    Siberian Husky
    Australian Shepherd
    Border Collie
    Shiba Inu
    Belgian Malinois
    Rough Collie
    Belgian Tervuren
    Norwegian Elkhound

    I like hair. I like prick ears. I like snouts. I like curly butts. [:)]

    ORIGINAL: Liesje

    Least Favorites (Sorry! Still love 'em, just would never pick 'em. I'm not a terrier person, I don't like the smashed faces, and I'm not into curly or wiry hair):

    Poodles (any size)
    Schnauzers (any size)
    Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
    Beglington Terrier
    Airedale Terrier
    Wheaton Terrier
    Kerry Blue Terrier

    I would have picked the same way for my least faves! I don't at all like curly coats or flat faces, and I could never picture myself with a terrier of any sort!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Top 10 favorite (in no specific order)
    Jack Russell Terrier, Doberman Pinscher, Xoloitzcuintle, Chinese Crested, Standard Poodle, Akita, Pit Bulls, Belgian Malinois, American Hairless Terrier, Boxer

    I love them, because I love independent, stubborn, active, challenging dogs. Boxers seem to be the least challenging on  that list, but they're feircly loyal and gaurdy. I like hairless dogs, a lot. I wouldn't own all of those dogs (Akitas are too much dog, for me, and Chinese Cresteds are a bit on the delicate side... Mals are also too much), but I *love* them.

    Least favorite 10:
    Siberian Huskies, West Highland White Terriers, Schnauzers, Laborador Retrievers, American Eskimo Dogs, Wheaton Terriers, Basset Hounds, Chesepeake Bay Retrievers, Miniature Pinschers, and Pugs

    Those are mostly due to bad experiences.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Australian Cattle Dogs
    Border Collie
    American Pit Bull Terrier/ American Staffordshire
    Catahoula Leopard Dog
    Belgian Malinois
    Field-bred Labrador

    Least (no particular order):

    Golden Retrievers
    Mini/Toy Poodles
    Lhasa Apso
    Shih Tzu
    • Gold Top Dog
    [Deleted by Admins]
    • Puppy
    Oh boy, this is a tough one.  I don't think I can pick just ten for my favorites and can't pick ten least favorites.  I love them all but here goes......Top picks:  Chow chow (for their beauty), collie or any of the herders (they are just too cool) American Staffie (so sweet and misunderstood) Mixed breeds (just because [:)])  Bottom picks:  Probably the toy group.  Not that I don't like them but I like a substantial dog if that makes any sense. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: chmissgingerisfancy

    I don't really like this list, because it is not that I do not like these breeds, more that I would never want one of them. I do not really hate any breeds, except designer dogs and all of the new minis. Although I really dislike Pugs mostly because I hate pigs! Weird, I know.

    I know what you mean. There are many breeds that I adore, but would never ever own. I love ancient flock guardian types, but could never own one. I don't like suspiciousness of strangers in a dog, and they would be WAY too much dog for me.
    I like most hounds, most working, herding and sporting types too.

    I don't like many toy types, but I do like pugs. I love their expressive faces and their stout bodies. I think poms are cute (DH and I call them micro-mochis, after our one dog), but they'd probably be too barky for me.

    For me, there are a few 'eew, get that thing away from me' breeds, but I don't want to name them in case I hurt anyones feelings. People have all sorts of different tastes, and I accept that.[;)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Top 10:
    Shih tzu
    Chinese Crested
    French Bulldog
    Boston Terrier
    Australian Shepherd
    Golden Retriever
    Labrador Retriever
    I don't hate any breed, but the one breed I will definitely never have is a Doberman Pinscher.  When I was little I was attacked by my uncle's doberman.  A few years later I was chased down by two that were running loose in the neighborhood.  I realize they are not bad dogs and I am not afraid of them, I just don't have the desire to have one.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Some of my faves are:  Border collie, aussie, corgi, PBGV, GSD, Rottie, greyhound, Cav King Charles Spaniel, standard poodle, great pyrannese

    Least faves:  most toy breeds (tough to potty train),  most husky type dogs (prob too stubborn and pully for me),  labs and goldens (too goofy), most terriers (too scrappy/independent), pugs (too snorty).
    • Gold Top Dog
    Ok, here goes:

    Top Ten Favorite
    1. American Pit Bull Terrier/Am Staffs
    2. French Bulldog
    3. Great Dane
    4. Cocker Spaniel
    5. Dogue de Bordeaux
    6. Bull Mastiff
    7. Boxer
    8. English Bulldog
    9. Boston Terrier
    10. Giant Schnauzer

    Least Favorite:
    1. Poodle
    2. Pug
    3. Curly Coat Retriever (nothing against them, but I've had a bad experience with an owner, and ever since have had someting against them!)
    4. Chinese Crested
    5. Jack Russel Terrier
    6. Beagles
    7. Maltese
    8. Collies
    9. Yorkshire Terrier
    10. German Shepherd Dog

    Not that I dislike any breed of dog, as some have stated before, but I just wouldn't choose any of these breeds for myself.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I don't have a top ten...just a top two: mutts...I have only had 1 purebred dog, and the rest were shelter mutts. And if I were going to have another purebred, it would be a corgi.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I don't have experience with alot of different breeds and don't really dislike any.
    Favorites: (in no order)
    Border Collie - my dog is part Border Collie
    Weimaraner - gorgeous color, my mother's cousin had one
    Miniature Schnauzer
    Papillions have caught my interest
    Standard Poodle
    Shih Tzu (in full coat)
    Greyhounds (and Italian Greyhounds)
    Afghan Hounds
    Least favorite:
    Rottweiler - for some reason I don't prefer black with brown markings
    Doberman Pinscher
    Miniature Pinscher
    Old English Bulldog
    Saint Bernard
    Shar Pei
    Neapolitan Mastiff
    Rat Terrier
    • Gold Top Dog
    My faves:
    1. Belgian Malinois
    2. German Shepherd
    3. Border collie
    4. Aussie shep
    5. Collie
    6. Dobie
    7. Schnauzer
    8. Poodle (mini or standard)
    9. Golden Retriever
    10. Jack Russell

    Least likely to own:
    1. Cocker Spaniel
    2. Akita
    3. Chihuahuas
    4. Bull terrier
    5. Boston terrier
    6. Pit
    7. Bulldog
    8. Husky
    9. Most of the toy breeds
    10. Most hounds (I just can't stand the baying!)

    Just me personal opinion, of course. ;)