10 Top Favorite & T0 Least Favorite Purebreds

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ohh, the poor Cockers have made a lot of bottom 10 lists.


    1.Staffy--I like how they can look so rough and tough, but be complete cuddlebugs underneath!

    2.English Setter--Love the coloring.

    3.Beagle--Love the hunting attitude and the baying is cute.

    4.American Foxhound--A bigger version of the Beagle!

    5.Cocker Spaniel--Such sweet dogs.

    6.Curly Coated Retriever--All that I have met, the personalitys are great.

    7.English Foxhound

    8.Gordon Setter--Again, the coloring.


    10.Any type of Pointer dog!


    1.Bearded Collie--THE HAIR!

    2.Portuguese Water Dog

    3.Spinone Italiano

    4.Australian Terrier



    7.Border Collie

    8.Chihuahua--Yes, Im aware I had one but its just not my breed.

    9.Canaan Dog

    10.Dandie Dinmont Terrier



    • Bronze

    Love this thread!!!!!

    Top 10

    1. Australian Shepherd(had)

    2. Shetland Sheepdog(had 2)

    3. Pitbull

    4. Boxer

    5. Mastiff

    6. Weimaraner

    7. Anatolian Shepherd Dog

    8. French Bulldog

    9. Pembroke Welsh Corgi

    10. Pug

    Bottom 10

    1. Chow Chow (bad experiences, nothing personal)

    2. Rat Terrier

    3. Cocker Spaniel

    4. Bichon Frise

    5. King Charles Spaniel

    6. Shih Tzu

    7. Yorkie

    8. Lhasa Apso

    9. Irish Wolfhound

    10. Airedale Terrier

    Nothing personal to the bottom 10, just not my type, and the top ten you never know i might not like them in the future

    • Gold Top Dog

     1-10 DOBERMAN! Just kidding...

    Although i love quite a few breeds, honestly i could only see myself owning dobes and rhodesian ridgebacks from now on. As much as i love GSDs, after having hardwood floors i realize how much shedding really goes on.

     A few other breeds i really love:

    Bernese Mtn dog

    American Bulldog

    Dogo Argentino





    B&T coonhound


    great dane


    chinese crested

    cardigan welsh corgi

    belgian malinois

    • Gold Top Dog

    Mechanical Angel

    Ohh, the poor Cockers have made a lot of bottom 10 lists.

    I know, and so haven't Labs Sad

    • Gold Top Dog

     Surprised to see Belgians on so many lists :)

      I like a lot of the european herding breeds - GSDs, BSDs, Picardies, Dutchies, Mudis. Really I tend to like herding breeds in general - BCs are on my "someday list" and my first purebred was a Rough Collie. I also like some of the performance and working bred mixes that have herding breeds in them. In the opposite direction, I love sighthounds of all sorts purebred and lurchers and a sighthound is also on my someday list. I find carolina and Canaan Dogs interesting too, since they are sort of "prototype" dogs.

     I really don't care for the look of brachycephalic breeds and wouldn't have one because of that. I tend to prefer natural looking dogs - moderate build, moderate size, pointy ears, pointy heads and long tails.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Mechanical Angel

    Ohh, the poor Cockers have made a lot of bottom 10 lists.

    I know, and so haven't Labs Sad

    And, chows!  But, it's OK.  I'd rather people stay away from them.  They aren't for everyone. 

    • Puppy

    I LOVE mostly Spitz and hound breeds, but some of the other groups make it in there too:

    1) Beagles

    2) Siberian Huskies

    3) Finnish Lapphunds

    4) Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen

    5) Greyhounds

    6) Standard Poodle

    7) Dobermanns

    8) Pointers

    9) Tibetan Spaniel

    10) Samoyed 

    I'm not a fan of the following breeds. Not because I think they are bad dogs, just because they are not for me: 

    Mostly herding/gundogs - Goldies, BCs, labs etc. I see them around a lot and find them boring (for me). I don't like bull/brachy breeds like Bulldogs, mastiffs etc - drool puts me off. I don't like Shar Pei.

    Designer mutts are a big pet hate of mine too.

    • Gold Top Dog




    1 - German Shepherd

    2 - Doberman

    3- Pharoah Hound

    4- Ibizan Hound

    5- Alaskan Husky

    6- Smooth Collie

    7- English Bull Terrier

    8- Mini Bull Terrier

    9- Belgian Malinois

    10- Sarloos Wolfhound (Okay so I've never met one, but they're gorgeous!)

    Least favorites-

    1- Pug

    2- Schnauzer

    3- Pom

    4- Shih Tzu

    5- Lhaso

    6- Poodle (any size)

    7- anything that ends with "doodle"

    8- Yorkie

    9- American "Bully"

    10- Golden retriever

    • Bronze

     This is a great thread! It *almost* makes me want to get another one! 

    My Top 10 (In no particular order)

    1. Labrador Retriever

    2. Golden Retriever

    3. German Shepherd

    4. Boxer

    5. Bernese Mountain Dog

    6. Weimaraner

    7. Border Collie

    8. Great Dane

    9. Dalmation

    10. Siberian Husky


    My Bottom 10 (Nothing personal with any of these dogs...just not my style)

    1. Chow Chow

    2. Rat Terrier

    3. Maltese

    4. Bichon Frise

    5. Schipperke

    6. Schnauzer

    7. Poodle

    8. Jack Russel Terriers

    9. Chinese Crested

    10. Airedale Terrier

    • Gold Top Dog


    Poodles of all types



    Wire haired German Pointers


     Irish Water Spaniels




    Working Line GSDs




    Shi Tzu

    Jack Russels



    Red and Irish Setters

    Caviler King Charles Spaniels






    • Gold Top Dog

    Mechanical Angel


    1.Staffy--I like how they can look so rough and tough, but be complete cuddlebugs underneath!

    2.English Setter--Love the coloring.

    3.Beagle--Love the hunting attitude and the baying is cute.

    4.American Foxhound--A bigger version of the Beagle!

    5.Cocker Spaniel--Such sweet dogs.

    6.Curly Coated Retriever--All that I have met, the personalitys are great.

    7.English Foxhound

    8.Gordon Setter--Again, the coloring.


    10.Any type of Pointer dog!


    1.Bearded Collie--THE HAIR!

    2.Portuguese Water Dog

    3.Spinone Italiano

    4.Australian Terrier



    7.Border Collie

    8.Chihuahua--Yes, Im aware I had one but its just not my breed.

    9.Canaan Dog

    10.Dandie Dinmont Terrier

    My list has changed big time! Most of the breeds I now love are on my bottom 10 list there.


    American Cocker Spaniel




    English Setter

    Welsh Springer Spaniel

    Australian Terrier

    Bearded Collie


    Dandie Dinmont Terrier


    Neapolitan Mastiff



    Miniature Pinscher

    Chow Chow

    Belgian Malinois



    Toy Manchester Terrier

    Great Dane

    • Silver

    I have so many mixed breeds but I can see what's in them, mostly.  I do have a Dane and I have to say it's a delightful breed so that will have to be my number one.

    1. Great Dane,
    2. MinPin/Jack Russel (that's Carmy so it can count as 2 and yes, let's not talk potty training),
    4. Standard Poodle, 
    5. Dacshund,
    6. Weimers,
    7. GSD's, 
    8. Foxhounds(I forget which type - the type my hunt club has) Smile,
    9. Newfoundland or that other water dog like the first dog...and
    10. Llewellin Setter.

    My least favorite are just ones that wouldn't like me as a mom.  I love all dogs. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    To generalize:

    Favorites: larger breeds


    Least favorites:

    toy breeds


    Nothing against them...I've owned and known many toys that were wonderful, but, even with Maggie's smaller friends, I'm so afraid I'm going to break them...I like a dog I can rough house with.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think I've posted on this thread a long time ago, but I'll do it again. :P

    Breeds I Like & Can See Myself Having:

    1. Irish Setters - loving and smart. I can see how some people may not care for them if they've met some hyperactive ones. But honestly, neither of mine are hyper. Both  are sleeping on the couch, actually. :)

     2. Dobermans - eeeee, someday I WILL adopt one., gentle giants.

    3. Newfoundlands - sweet, gentle giants

    4. Boxers - great family dogs

    5. German Shorthaired Pointer

    6. PBGV  - probably the smallest dog I'd like. I don't know quite what it is, but I have a soft spot for them. The ones I've met at dog shows are as friendly as can be.

    7. Belgian Malinois - this is another breed that I just having a "clalling" to, lol. I admire their athleticism and intelligence as well.

    8. Rotties - this is one I know I'll never have, but I still think they're striking

    9. Alaskan Malamute - love their personality and overall confidence.

    10. Any sweet shelter mix!

    "Dislikes" or Breeds I'll Probably Never Have:

    1. Chihuahua - I just don't trust them. It sounds ignorant, I know. I've just never "connected" with any I've met.

    2. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels - cute, but a little too in-your-face-24/7 for me.

    3. Neopolitan Mastiff - I'm comfortable around dogs obviously, but quite honestly these guys intimidate me a bit. I think it's the difficulty in reading their facial expressions.

    4. Jack Russell Terriers - too DA and firey for my taste.

    5. Chinese Cresteds

    6. Alaskan Klee Kais - the ones with the huge blue eyes freak me out, quite honestly.

    7.  Papillons

    8. Any size Schnauzer

    9. Pharaoh Hounds

    10. Bull Terriers

    Please don't hate me. :)

    • Gold Top Dog

     this is a fun thread...i know ive done it before im pretty sure, but im sure its changed as well....Since theres alot of breeds i like, but would never own, versus breeds that i do hope to own..i'll do it that way....Top 10 breeds i hope to own one day, vs breeds i will most likely never own.  In no particular order -

    Top 10

    1. Tibetan Mastiff - i will have another one, i miss my bastian so much!

    2. Presa Canario- i had rescued one of these as an adult, but she was super aggressive with my akita, and we had to rehome. Love to have one from a pup.

    3. Afghan Hound

    4. Saluki

    5. Caucasian Ovtcharka

    6. Beauceron (im sure Tessa will not be my only!)

    7. Neapolitan Mastiff

    8. Irish Setter

    9.  Akita - i know im crazy, but i cant say i WONT ever get another one!

     10. Ibizan Hound


    BOTTOM 10

    1. Yorkie - never

    2. any type of expensive bred for profit mix

    3.  Bulldog

    4. Shar pei- theyre cute as puppies...but something about the big noses make me want to pop them! 

    5.  Toy Poodles

    6. Boston Terrier - tessa doesnt like them either! LOL

    7. Lab

    8. Bedlington Terrier (they gave me nightmares when i was little!)

    9. Rat Terrier

    10. Schnauzer 


    To sum it up- yep i mostly like large fuzzy dogs...large breed dogs have always been my preference, and i do like hair LOL...mostly working group and sighthounds

    Im not particularly fond of many small breed dogs, i think its more of the stereotype so many silly owners give them of being nippy yappy bad behaved little dogs, im sure there are good ones!  And although i love pitties, im overall not a terrier person - to highstrung for me, i prefer laid back dogs that can work when asked or lay on the couch when asked too!