A New Papillon?

    • Gold Top Dog

    A New Papillon?

    Okay, so I'm looking through Petfinder for Paps.  I come across this guy.  They say he's a Hound/Pap mix.  Um, oooookaaayyy  http://search.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=10252188Confused

    • Gold Top Dog

    You can tell it's a pap by the ears.

    Just kidding - now that's funny!! He sure is a cutie anyway.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ahahahahhaha. Don't you know that big ears = papillon?

    Anyway, I'm kind of bummed, I was hoping someone was getting a papillon puppy they would then post pictures of. Crying 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yup, he's got ears. ~LOL~

    • Gold Top Dog

    No such luck, Cita.  I do, however, have a picture of a super cute Pap puppy I met last summer. ~L~

    • Gold Top Dog
    Whaaa? That is no pap!
    • Gold Top Dog


    did you email them? Was it some sort of mistake?! it HAS to be!

    • Gold Top Dog

    ~LOL~  I did just e-mail them.  We'll see if I hear anything back from them.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Maybe they heard Paps get adopted quickly?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Maybe they just hit the wrong entry on he breed selector- because I'd totally buy hound x POINTER....     

    • Gold Top Dog

    Mmm, they kind of missed the boat on that one.  That's no Pap!  

    Actually, the dog kind of reminds me of Sniper for some reason. Smile 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well they got me to look. ~L~  I was thinking they must have made a mistake.  We'll see if there's a correction.

    For those who were wanting to see a Pap.  I met this princess the past summer.  What a pip she is.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Mmm, they kind of missed the boat on that one.  That's no Pap!  

    Actually, the dog kind of reminds me of Sniper for some reason. Smile 



    Haha! I thought the same thing when I saw his picture! I thought it looked like Snipe! So does that mean that Sniper is pap, too?Wink 

    • Gold Top Dog


    Haha! I thought the same thing when I saw his picture! I thought it looked like Snipe! So does that mean that Sniper is pap, too?Wink 

    Well then Grrrady is part Pap too.  That dog's ears look like Grady's.  He's been upgraded from an honorary Pap to a full blooded one. ~LOL~

    • Gold Top Dog

    Haha! I thought the same thing when I saw his picture! I thought it looked like Snipe! So does that mean that Sniper is pap, too?Wink

    Lol.  Snipe's totally Pap, you can tell.  Actually, I was half tempted to post the suggestion of Pap into your other thread because of the dog in this one. Stick out tongue