Sniper's breeds? Guesses?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Sniper's breeds? Guesses?

    I put pictures of Sniper on a few months ago for anyone to guess what she might be, but I figured I would put some new ones up as she will soon be 7 months old, and I know it's easier to tell breed makeup the older they are. Any guesses?Smile




    She is long and lean, hard to get a picture of it!




    She is about 50lbs as of right now, but I'm sure she will have more filling out to do, I'm guessing she will weigh in at 65lbs full grown. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well, obviously (to me at least) she's got some Lab in her.  There's something about her that reminds me of a German Shorthaired Pointer, too.  So my guess would be Lab/GSP and maybe some Whippet.  She's got such an expressive face!  And a nice, shiny coat, too.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Sniper looks to be a pit bull mix - very pit bull-y look in the head, eyes, expression and ear placement. For a second breed I'll go with Lab. I have actually known a couple Lab/Pit Bull mixes that looked much like Sniper.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ok, this is gonna sound weird, but what color is she? LOL  She looks chocolate in some, brown in some and black in others.  Lovely shiny coat! :) Also how big is she?

    I have to say that second shot looks a LOT like Logan, those ears.


    I'd vote for lab/weim and maybe boxer or pit.  Her nose is a lot shorter than a weim. But i've seen "silver labs" who have that exact same look.



     See? Shorter snouts.  Hmm.

    Whatever she is, she's GORGEOUS and I want to steal her.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think I stand by my pit/lab guess, but the ears are really long for those breeders.... I think she's a cuteasauruses. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    She looks like a Lab/hound to me. Lab/weim? Such pretty shiny fur!

    How tall is she?

    • Gold Top Dog

    You guys are all way off. She is obviously 100% Cutie Patootie! Ok, maybe 90% Cutie, 10% Stinkerbutt.  Stick out tongue 


    • Gold Top Dog

    My first thought...when I first saw her a few months ago was lab...then after seeing more pictures lab/pit, but now I think the face reminds me of a boxer.  Although for some reason she does put me in mind of a weim...but I don't know why.  Juding by the other posts though, I'm not the only one who sees something.

    90% Cutie patootie 10% Stinkerbutt also seems like a very close guess as well :o)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Your guesses are right on with what the shelter told us, so I betcha that's what she is! They said she was lab with boxer or pit, but I've always been curious to know if anyone else saw that as well. 

    I have a hard time telling what color she is sometimes too! She looks black, but in outdoor light, she is chocolate brown with almost a black "stripe" down her back. She is about 23 inches at the shoulder and 50lbs.

    Thanks guys! 


    PS. Give that gorgeous Logan a kiss for me!! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    In the sig picture on the right, that face is unmistakably "boxer" to me, so I vote boxer/lab, too...

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    LOl Janice is right 100% cutie patootie 

    my guess is pit/lab.  there is something about her nose/end of snout that isn't as square as a lab or boxer.

    or she might be a mini-Bugs without the white bit Big Smile

    here he was about 4 mos old and 50lbs

    this was about 3 mos old and just shy of 40lbs

    • Gold Top Dog

    I originally thought lab/boxer and I still think that.  Maybe not a 50/50 split, but like a lab x lab/boxer?  I see more boxer than pit, don't really see pit... 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Boxers (and Weims, and GSPs for that matter) actually have really long, whip-like tails. Jill is part Boxer and she certainly has inherited a Boxer tail. I'm inclined to think it's a dominant feature that comes out a lot in cross-breeds.

    For some reason I'd go for Lab cross GSP or Weim. Because the ears are so long, and she's quite a lean-looking dog. I'm not that familiar with pitties (they're a restricted breed in this country), but I was kinda under the impression their heads were a bit broader, and a lab's head is fairly broad, too. JMO. Jilly hasn't got much boxer in her head, and her leanness probably comes from her Kelpie half.

    Although, maybe it is pittie. I dunno. Smile 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I see lab, I wouldn't say pit because I don't see the lock jaw but I would guess some boxer, and maybe some dane because she has such a low chest.

    • Gold Top Dog

    You don't see the "lock jaw"? Is that supposed to be a joke?