what breed would make

    • Gold Top Dog

    what breed would make

    the best jogging partner?

    I need to loose around 5 pounds and am going to start jogging again in the summer and by that time I'll hopefully have another dog, and this one will be my dog. I want a dog that will make me get out more, the dogs we have now wont go jogging they get tired within 10 mins and Im going to start jogging/walking about a mile everyother day when it gets warmer. I also am going to hopefully be showing the dog...is there such thing as to much muscle? (stupid question sorry..haha) I was looking at German Shorthaired pointers or a Husky, but idk if the husky would over heat or not since they have such a thick coat so I dont know if it would be a good idea in the summer. What other breeds would make jogging partners? (The days I dont go jogging or take them for a walk we have a HUGE backyard so they will still get exercise...)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pretty much any dog can be a jogging partner. Indy (corgi) does stuff up to 8 miles or so without a problem WITH proper conditioning. This means going 3-4 times a week and incrementally longer each time  


    I think you'r much better off conditioning the dogs you've got than trying to find a really active dog who will be bored the rest of the time. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    i agree, lots of dogs are good for jogging. My 2 best jogging partners i've ever owned are a rhodesian ridgeback (not wyatt) and my GSD. GSD is my # 1 because of stamina and athleticism, but the protectiveness factor helps out so i feel safe jogging after dark. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    yeah GSD have alot of stamina, takes two other GSD, a daily walk, play fetch in the snow before emiley would get tired and even then shes ready to go for more.

    as for the question at hand, even if you got a new dog it would still need to be trained(not the right word) to jog for as long as you. and to get in two a new dog/puppy and at the same time jump in to some kind of showing sounds a bit hectic. if you want a jogging partner go down to the shelter and look at there adult dogs and ask the people there if you can take one out for a short run and see how that works out.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Or you can just come pick up Rory every morning, lol She LOVES to run.

    • Gold Top Dog


    the best jogging partner?

    I need to loose around 5 pounds and am going to start jogging again in the summer and by that time I'll hopefully have another dog, and this one will be my dog. I want a dog that will make me get out more, the dogs we have now wont go jogging they get tired within 10 mins and Im going to start jogging/walking about a mile everyother day when it gets warmer. I also am going to hopefully be showing the dog...is there such thing as to much muscle? (stupid question sorry..haha) I was looking at German Shorthaired pointers or a Husky, but idk if the husky would over heat or not since they have such a thick coat so I dont know if it would be a good idea in the summer. What other breeds would make jogging partners? (The days I dont go jogging or take them for a walk we have a HUGE backyard so they will still get exercise...)

    A GSP will want more than just a run.  They're super active dogs.  Everyone I know that has one is involved in field activities as well as other types of canine sports:  I've seen them in obedience, field trials, agility, water retrieval...but mostly when I see them they are at a run.

    The main thing is that if you get the dog as a pup, no matter the breed, you won't be able to start running or other serious roadwork until they're about 18 months old. 

    I agree, work with your puppers now and increase their endurance.

    • Gold Top Dog

    My Gunnar (Vizsla) would love to go jogging with you. He jogs with my husband (who had never tired him out) and he has jogged with my sister in law (she does marathons and she has never tired him out) and he can run all day. We often go out four wheeling with the dogs running along with the truck, after 2.5 miles or so Hektor ends up in the back of the truck, Gunnar on the other hand will run alongside all day.

    Vizsla's make great runners!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Emma would be a good jogging partner, but I can't jog, LOL. I can bike, and she enjoys that, very much. She walks several miles with me, every day, and can go all day without a problem. Most dogs can, with conditioning.


    Waiting lists for show quality pups are usually longer than a couple of months. You'll have to choose a breed and breeder, then go on a waiting list. It takes a while, LOL.  

    • Gold Top Dog

     Huskies are fine in the summer.  The coat insulates against the heat as well as the cold.  But the husky comes with far bigger issues than whether it will overheat.  A daily jog and backyard play are NOT enough for this breed.  YOU can't jog fast enough for a husky.  I can't even bike fast enough to let mine run as fast as they want.  And the NEED that full out run.  Jogging is hardly different than walking to a husky. 

    I agree, condition the dogs you have now, and if you want to show, go about getting a good quality pup the right way.  It doesn't happen overnight. 

    • Gold Top Dog


    • Gold Top Dog


     Huskies are fine in the summer.  The coat insulates against the heat as well as the cold.  But the husky comes with far bigger issues than whether it will overheat.  A daily jog and backyard play are NOT enough for this breed.  YOU can't jog fast enough for a husky.  I can't even bike fast enough to let mine run as fast as they want.  And the NEED that full out run.  Jogging is hardly different than walking to a husky. 

    I agree, condition the dogs you have now, and if you want to show, go about getting a good quality pup the right way.  It doesn't happen overnight. 


    Totally agree with this. A human jogging pace is hardly faster than a husky walk.

    Btw, my sister in law jogs and roller blades with her corgi. Corgis are built for stamina - they are herding dogs after all. They just need to be conditioned, just like any other dog. 

    • Gold Top Dog


    Totally agree with this. A human jogging pace is hardly faster than a husky walk.

    Btw, my sister in law jogs and roller blades with her corgi. Corgis are built for stamina - they are herding dogs after all. They just need to be conditioned, just like any other dog. 


    I think this is true for a lot of larger breeds.  My jogging stride is barely enough to get Kenya gaiting.  Running?  Who knows...and she's small for her breed so her stride is shorter.  A long run for my DH is just a warm-up for her.  German Shepherds do a 12 mile "AD" test which is for basic endurance, but the handlers are on bikes, lol.

    I like the idea of a smaller, athletic dog like a Corgi or ACD.  Then the jogging pace is more on par with the dog actually running and the dog is getting exercise too. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Too true. Penny made a great jogging partner. She was better off leash, though, because she thought it was tremendous fun to zoom ahead of me, poke around until I'd passed her, then zoom up from the rear again. In fact, even at 12 she'd still make a decent running partner. We just have to keep to flats and grass for her joints and back. I found when I started jogging with her we were a good match for each other and she didn't need conditioning. However, when she moved in with my parents, she had to work up to being a fit running partner for Jill, who was only 2 at the time.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think any well built, active breed would make a good jogging partner. Most herding breeds make great jogging partners and would be a good place to start looking since you already have a herding breed. For showing look for breeds which are not dominated by professional handlers and/or which haven't seen drastic conformation changes for the ring. That would rule GSDs out on both counts - pretty much need a pro handler to be competitive and the structure seen in the show ring is not selected for the best working ability but what looks pretty.

     Unless you plan to buy an older puppy or adult though, you won't have a jogging partner for this summer. At least not one that can go great distances. Puppies need to mature before they start doing heavy exercise like that :)