Field Spaniel!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Field Spaniel!

    Ooh Ooh Ooh OOOH! I saw my first Field Spaniel last nigth on the Eukanuba Show and WOW I fell in love. Growing up Cocker's were my favorite, I had two and as I got older I disliked them more (dont be offended cocker owners) because the shape of their heads and their eyes can look buggy sometimes. Both of mine and my neighbors had spay incontinence so I think that was ingrained in my young brain and has a lot ot do with why they dont appeal to me as much.

    Anyhoo I obviously have my hands full with my two pitties and wont be looking for another dog for years to come now but of course I couldnt help but look at pup classifieds and found they are pretty rare this side of the states. Does anyone know how exclsuive this breed is?

    In reality I'll probably fall in love with a dozen more breeds before its time for a new pup and as much as I love pit bulls I dont like what is happening to their breed. Not the reputation, i can deal with that but they are getting bigger, bulkier and lazier, lol!

    I've also been admiring Whippets, Basset Hounds, and Vizsla's.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ooh I forgot Catahoula's too, my Dad has one and they sure are aloof arnt they? Peculliar dogs, lol.


    • Gold Top Dog

    I've never gotten my hands on one in person, but I think they're neat little dogs.  Also look into the American Water Spaniel.  There's one in the area that I've seen do obed or Rally and agility.  Really cool.

    • Gold Top Dog
    If you've liked cockers in the past, there are also field-bred English cockers that are fairly similar, but easier to find. You won't find them advertised in pet classifieds though- try the bird dog and hunting magazines. They're wonderful drivey little dogs. I don't like spaniels in genera but I think i'd enjoy a fieldy ECS!
    • Gold Top Dog

    They're pretty, aren't they?  Spaniels have never been my breed of choice, but I do admire them.  I'm not sure exactly how rare they are, but I can tell you that I really don't see many ads for them, or find many on Petfinder.  I'm betting that the breeders keep Field Spaniels under pretty good wraps then.  

    One of my good friends used to have a ECS...really great little dog.  Very equable dog.

    My big thing recently are Clumber and Sussex Spaniels.  Ooh, the Clumber!  Such big sad eyes.  I have all these squishy feelings for them.

    • Gold Top Dog

     friends of my husband have a field spaniel. she's a sturdy, well rounded little pooch. its a kinda demented story how  they got her too....

    the friend was recently divorced. his exwife's boyfriend was a breeder of field spaniels and retrievers(working dogs not just a peddler).. gave the exwife a young field spaniel.. she didnt want it.. and just dropped it on the doorstep of her ex husband, who really could care less about dogs. ESPECIALLY one that came from the new boyfriend of his ex wife..

    He isnt a violent sort so he didnt hurt the dog or get rid of it.. he just fed her and ignored her. one day he was doing some work in the swamp behind his house and didnt want the dog up under him so he tied her to the house.. an hour later he heard something coming towards him from out of the brush.. he was thinking either a hog, deer, bear, person... something big and fast! nope.... just his dog. she had gotten loose and tracked him to the spot where he was working. Since that day she has been his companion.

    She doesnt look like much.. but thats probably because she is a working bred field spaniel. she gets a bath and brushing and thats about it when it comes to her coat. she loves their kids and is very friendly towards people.. doesnt know what an enemy is!

    i've also met a clumber spaniel at the dog show last year. ooooooh those scushy mushy faces!! there was a person there at the show with a play pen full of puppies. i thought i would die from the cuteness!