Doberman advice

    • Bronze

    Doberman advice

    Hi all,

     I'm the very proud owner of a 1 year old Doberman bitch, named Sasha, and am giving some serious thought to getting a second Doberman to join our little pack. I recently saw a blue Doberman while in the UK and was fascinated with it. Can anyone provide me with some information on blue Dobermans in terms of any health issues related to their genetic makeup etc? Also any advice on adding a new dog to the family would be very welcome.

    Thanks and best regards



    • Gold Top Dog

    Welcome to the forum, Anthony.  A friend of  mine asked me to relay this information to you.


    >>Blue doberman, generally have the same health issues as all other dobermans.  In addition to the “normal” dobe problems, both blue & fawn dobes usually develop color dilution alopecia. 

    Basically, this is a cosmetic condition.  The hair coats on most blues & fawns are much thinner than that of black/rust, & red/rust dobes.  Their coats usually thin from 1-3 years of age.  These dogs usually have sparse coats on their flanks, & down their backs, though the entire coat is usually thin. 

    If you don't mind having a dobe who may have a thin hair coat, then a blue dobe should not be any more of a health risk that any other colored dobe.

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    The Color Dilution Alopecia affects 50-80% of all of the dilute Dobes (fawn is a dilute of red, and blue is a dilute of black)  Sometimes reds develop alopecia, too, but more often you'll find it to be a correlation with Hypothyroidism.  The secondary effect of the hair loss is some pustules or pimples in the skin exposed -it feels more oily and you will see blackheads to pustules.  You can rub Oxy pads (and I've heard some folks try witch hazel, too) to minimize the pimples.

    Generally, I've found that if a blue Dobe makes it to 2 or 3 and still has a nice coat, then they will keep it.  I've only met 2 blue Dobes with nice coats.  Depending on your climate, you'll need to protect the exposed skin from sun damage and cold exposure. 

    Aside from the hair loss, I've never experienced any difference in temperament or whatnot.  As stated above, same health concerns as any Dobe - hypothyroidism, dialated cardio myopathy, von Willebrand's disease, cervical vertebral instability (most commonly known as Wobblers) - check out genetic disease info in Dobes here -

    Good luck and enjoy your Dobes!!!!

    • Bronze

    Many thanks for the info guys!

    • Gold Top Dog

    OT but that DPCA site is AMAZING. I have a ton of bookmarks there for the breeding section alone...and I am a Beagle person LOL. Whoever runs that club has their stuff to-gether.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have a friend that has 2 blues. They have a lot of skin problems and are really flaky but i don't know if that's the case with all of them.