Rhodesian Ridge Back Puppies *edited*

    • Bronze

    Rhodesian Ridge Back Puppies *edited*

    Hi folks I'm the proud new owner of a RR puppy. She is one of a litter of 13 and only four wks old. can't wait to brong her home. *content removed, advertising of puppies available not allowed*


    • Gold Top Dog

    that's very strange someone is having a hard time finding a home for RR pups...i was on a waiting list for mine.

    • Gold Top Dog

    shouldn't a good breeder already have homes lined up, before a litter is born?

    • Gold Top Dog


    shouldn't a good breeder already have homes lined up, before a litter is born?


    Most likely, however 13 is a large litter.   Perhaps some individuals backed out.   

    • Gold Top Dog

    They are so adorable!!!!

    • Gold Top Dog


    • Bronze

    Yep huge litter.  He was expecting 8.  He had a list of buyers (me being one of them).  A few dropped out and others showing interest didnt leave contact details :o(

    • Gold Top Dog
    Goodness that is alot of puppies! I feel sorry for the dam who has to deal with them all. :)
    Perhaps you can get your friend to contact another Ridgie breeder who can help find homes for the unspoken for pups.
    • Gold Top Dog

    They are a great looking bunch!! Does your breeder post on RR-Folk? We often let each other know about litters and exchange info to help other breeders place in great forever homes. Will you be showing your pup? Tell us more about him.

    Just as a note on one other comment, most of us have waiting lists and when we don't we carefully place ads then sort through the very large number of folks who respond with a fine tooth comb. I have yet to have a litter with out over 70 applications. RR Breeders know 13 is not uncommon in our breed, a good friend's girl had 17 last summer  !! All healthy and gorgeous. Now that is an unexpected litter Stick out tongue !   We strongly encourage edication as a club. Let me know if you are interested in joining the National Breed Club, is your breeder a member of RRCUS ?

    Should you ever need help with your new bundle of joy please feel free to contact me. Check out my profile you'll see some of my pack Smile..

    Bonita of Bwana

    • Bronze

    Went to visit Aluna today.  Shes growing soooo fast!!

    Breeder says all is looking better as he only has two left to home. 

    The pups are getting more playful/willful now, great fun.

    Can't wait to get her home.

    I have a parsons terrier who partners me at work - climbing, surfing, kayaking etc.  I'm looking for sponsorship for Aluna for equipment like a bouyancy aid, harness, paniers etc.  Any ideas who i should approach.  I want to buy from ruffwear, thought about approaching them directly but also big companies like pedigree etc, any ideas??

    • Gold Top Dog

    Cool on the breeder.


    Why can't you buy your own dog's gear, if you're going to take her to work? Why would you need a sponsor? 

    • Bronze

    All the kit required will come to £300.  My budget won't stretch to that this time of year as work is slow in the winter :o(

    Just figured i might get sponsorship for kit and advertise sponsor on said kit.  Worth a try huh?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Might be worth a try, but I think it's sort of tacky.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    What do you do?  You work with dogs all day, or you take your dog to work with you?  It sounds like fun, whatever it is.  I think if you're trying to get sponsorship it won't be too hard if your dog is a part of your job.  As long as you tell potential sponsors what you get up to all day, maybe you can pull it off. 

    • Bronze

    I am a freelance outdoor pursuits instructor. My dog goes on all activities (depending on conditions) climbing, kayaking, surfing, coasteering, walking etc. Hoping to have Alluna join us in the not too distant future.