Any Guesses? (dumdog)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Any Guesses? (dumdog)

     dont know if anyone remembers me mentioning an odd encounter with the nextdoor neighbour's "dog".. turns out he just showed up and isnt really theirs after all. 

    ETA - they do claim him. just wanted to clarify.. 


    from a distance we all thought the old man had gotten himself another Choco Lab. he used to have one ages ago..


    This is an odd pup, lemme tell ya! he isnt large but he's stout! his colours are unique to say the least and so is his personality! and his bark isnt really a bark. its a yell.... almost hound like and LOUD!! we live four acres away and i can hear this dog "beller" from the farthest end of my house with all doors and windows closed. he's also a good boy. he eyes the pig and the ducks but he doesnt bother them.. infact the pig is more danger to the dog than the dog is to the pig! my pig apparently hates dogs..... no exceptions. my mom's turkey likes to fly over the fence and follow us and the dog ignores her..  the only trouble he got into was when one of the chickens made her nest under my mom's camper - outside the chicken yard - my mom recently sold this camper and when they moved it the nest was discovered and the dog just helped himself to a couple of eggs before my husband could park his car over the nest to protect them. in other words this mutt is surrounded by temptations that most obedience school champs couldnt resist!! Amber adores him too. they wrestle, chase, mouth, you name it..

    so.. here he is! its the only picture i had at the moment since i am not on my own computer.

    oh and he seems to like kids too. he is obsessed with cleaning Shane's face lol

    his oddest feature, to me, is his tail. its not docked but its obviously shorter than "normal" .. which was something i noticed when i worked on the horse ranch years ago. the landlord had an Aussie/Pit puppy factory. every litter she had had pups with varying tail lengths.. from none at all to full length to half missing.. so i wonder if he MIGHT be part aussie.... his ear fur is different too.. right about the base behind his ears he has only a few LONG hairs.. the rest is short and thick. and his eyes are a sort of greenish colour.


    what ever he is, i like him. he's a good dog. very fine character indeed.. he's welcome to come visit any time he likes as long as he behaves himself! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think he looks a bit like Ron's Shadow, but I've only seen a few pictures.

    He's a cutie, maybe.... chesapeak/aussie?

    • Gold Top Dog

    i wondered at Chessie too. i dont know how common they are around here though. there is a hunter that has one. i see him on the logging road with his dog in a crate in the back of his truck while he's headed to the hunting camp for the weekend..  beautiful dog.



     and yes he makes me think of Shadow too.. i havent seen many pics of Shadow however. but sometimes the expressions seem similar. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    The eyes/ears kind of remind you of a pitbull, you can tell he's got a soft soul though, you can see it in his eyes. He's been eating well, looks good.

    • Gold Top Dog

    i agree with you Stanton. he's an easy going.. yet mischievous fellow.

    and yes what ever they are feeding him is doing him right! according to them he showed up skin and bones.. as far as i can tell he's only been here since mid/late summer.. thats when i first noticed they had a dog. i kept my eye out for him because he was always too close to our barn.. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    ">That kinda looks like Coco, dad's dog.  She is Lab/Chow mix.

    • Gold Top Dog
    LabxCattledog? Labx?

    He may be your average southern cur, maybe mixed with lab. He does look sweet. Something about his head and eyes...