
    • Gold Top Dog



    • Gold Top Dog

    Try the national breed club.  I am sure that they have a breeder referral person that could point you to breeders in Texas.


    • Gold Top Dog

     ortoller@msn.com is the email for breeder referral from the National Club.  This is not the breed for everyone - expect to get a lot of questions from any reputable breeder about why you want one. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I dont think its because he wants one..he's trying to track down the history on the dog he has to see if it IS one.

    • Gold Top Dog

    You really only need to google the breed name, and TEXAS and you will get 2 kennels which link to more and have resources on their pages. I know this because I've already done it and emailed with one of them in fact...lol.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I responded to your pm, I would like this breeder to provide me with precise info on what a Toller IS for sure. And also, I will be providing you with links of supposed good Novia Scotia breeders, I would like your breeder in Texas to verify whether the pics I'm seeing on the internet of supposed Novia Scotia's are in fact of that particular breed. Some of them look identical to Rivers, and if he's not at least a mix of a Novia Scotia, then neither are any of these pics I'm seeing on the internet, and I would like to call attention to breeders that actually have the field Golden Retriever and posing them as the Novia Scotia's.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I would like to call attention to breeders that actually have the field Golden Retriever and posing them as the Novia Scotia's.

    Come on.  Is that really necessary.


    • Gold Top Dog

    I also responded to your PM.

    If you would like the respect and consideration of a good breeder...the first step is to make the effort and set aside the time...to speak with them yourself about your interest in the breed, your concerns about the quality of their dogs...and be open to accepting that perhaps you have room to expand your education on it.

    I think perhaps you are feeling a bit down that we did not all agree...and that is okay. However I do think the tone you're using here isn't doing your cause many favors...esp considering that this is a public forum.

    • Gold Top Dog

    If anyone is sensing a tone, please don't....I'm not aiming to be nasty about any of this, simply questioning why everyone's so set on one answer, that's all.

    I do not feel any different about Rivers, and I am not let down in the slightest, he is what he is, I just wanted to know for sure and was actually excited to find information about a breed that fit him to a T in personality as well as looks. If he's an actual field Golden retriever, that works for me too, although his personality doesn't resemble one, but that doesn't mean anything in reality.

    Again, I was just more excited and rambling in having stumbled upon a breed that's different...that's all.

    I am a little upset by pics I've seen of Novia Scotia dogs who look identical to Rivers, only because I think owners in the future could perhaps be mislead by some of these pics.

    I'm putting all of this to rest, I apologize if I came on a little powerful, and thank you all for your help.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I would like to call attention to breeders that actually have the field Golden Retriever and posing them as the Novia Scotia's.

    Come on.  Is that really necessary.


    No it's not really necessary...and I won't be pursuing any of this any further. please refer to my last post. I was a little frustrated when I posted that statement because I do feel owners can be mislead when looking at pictures.

    Again, I apologize, I felt the need that it was important to respond to this last question. I didn't intend to come off nasty or powerful I was just overly anxious and excited that I thought to have stumbled upon something that made sense to his personality...that's all.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Just an aside, I have a dog that several people have told me looks (in person) exactly like a purebred Hovawart.  He is in fact a total mutt, his mom is a Collie/Golden and no one knows what his dad is.  A dog can come out looking a LOT like another dog and in fact have none of those lines.

    If you want pics of dogs that are definitely purebred, find an illustrated standard of the breed (if there is one).  For example, for GSD people we use Linda Shaw's illustrated standard (gives tons of pics of structure, proper type, different coat colors and patterns, etc).  Anyone on the Internet can post pics of their dog and say it's a purebred, which it very well could be, but that doesn't mean the dog exhibits the proper type/size/structure.