breed guess??

    • Gold Top Dog

    breed guess??

    ok so i have a 1 year old male dog and i dont know what kind of breed or breeds he is so if you could please help me!!

    i have been told hes a benji by this one ladyi met in a vets office but i dont even know what a benji looks like??

    so heres a picture of him!!:)



    • Gold Top Dog

    Could you fixe the picture, his face is not showing. How much does he weigh?

    • Gold Top Dog

    oops sorry uhm how do i fix the first picture i think its just to big but maybe the second one will help.

    uhm im not sure about his weight but i think hes about 24 pounds he not that big hes about 3 times bigger then my chihuahua mix and shes 13 pounds.

    • Gold Top Dog

    he certainly does not look 24 lbs in those pictures!

    I would say min-pin/pit mix? I don't know why - but that is what is coming to mind. I think the breek your vet was refering to is a Basenji. I don't see any of that in him. They are not often found in mixes.

    Do you have any other pictures of him standing? It's hard to judge when they are laying down.

    • Gold Top Dog

     heres a another pic of i dont really have one of him standing.

    • Gold Top Dog

    haha, oh wow. I totally take back that pit guess!

    I would say... min pin/chihuahua. Maybe something else a bit bigger in there too.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm not good at this, but I have to agree with Erica, definately see min pin there and possible chihuahua. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Min Pin mix, or maybe a standard sized Rat Terrier/mix?

    • Gold Top Dog


    Min Pin mix, or maybe a standard sized Rat Terrier?


    Rat Terrier!  That's what wouldn't come to mind.  Yep- Min Pin/Rat Terrier gets my vote, too.

    • Bronze

    Well, I would have to say chihuahua, min pin and basenji.  I know it's not a common mix but his coat and tail are identical to our mutt Jake who we believe is a Basenji and pit mix.

    • Gold Top Dog

    hey ckcbear my dogs name is jake too how funny!!:)

    • Gold Top Dog

    He's got the face of a chihuahua and build of a min-pin.

    But, I've guessed wrong before.

    Either way he's a beaut.

    My chih - Kuaui on your far right in the pic