Breed guess anyone?

    • Bronze

    Breed guess anyone?

    This is my younger boy Jager who I recently rescued. I was told he was full blood APBT but Im pretty sure hes a mix. He's 4 months old but not as big as my Harley was at 4 months so Im nots sure. Maybe he's just smallish by nature? He weighs about 15lbs. Anybody have any guesses?


    • Gold Top Dog

    looks almost exactly like my Aunt's pitbull.... BEAUTIFUL DOG! CONGRATS!!! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am by far no expert and I'm usually pretty bad with breed ID, but I see boxer.  Looks very much like a boxer puppy who boards at the facility where I work (except with a tail).

    • Gold Top Dog

     Puppies can be hard to tell. There is def. a lot of pit in there and maybe some other things! Congrats on adding this sweet baby to your family and for rescuing a pit. A lot of folks on the forum have them, and love them! My Rosco (in my profile) is a rescue too.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh sweet lil APBT pup pup

    • Bronze

    Thanks to everyone for the thoughts and suggestions. Even If I dont know what he is I will still love him all the same.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd say he's a pure 100% mutt, but so are 2 of them all the same, how can you not with those cute little expressions!!

    Seriously he looks to have some terrier in him for sure, what kind I don't know, I'm not real up on Terriers, but he's a good lookin one!

    • Gold Top Dog

    He looks like a pit to me.  My older pit is small compared to the younger pit.  Brownie (almost 3 yrs) weighs about 54lbs, and Dipstick (1 yr) weighs 71lbs.  Brownie was only 4lbs when we bought her.  She is short and wide!  You have some beautiful dogs!  Hope to see more pics of them soon!!