
    • Gold Top Dog


    A friend adopted this poochie pie from a shelter in central Wisconsin. Any guesses on the breed combo? Pibble/kangaroo? Smile

    I couldn't get a very good body shot, because she never stops moving! She is very solid, muscular, and has short legs. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    OMG I'm going to die of cute! THE EARS!!!!!!

    I'm sorry, I have nothing useful to contribute but I had to squee a little. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't think there has to be anything else in there. PB ears, are traditionally cropped...not much attention or selection is made in regards to ear carriage. When that happen you can get anything from full drop to full p*rick IMO or one of each or halfway between.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I don't think there has to be anything else in there. PB ears, are traditionally cropped...not much attention or selection is made in regards to ear carriage. When that happen you can get anything from full drop to full p*rick IMO or one of each or halfway between.


    That's what I was going to say.  Just looks pit to me, uncropped ears. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think this one deserves it's own breed name, maybe:


    • Gold Top Dog

    Pittie and Corgi!

    • Gold Top Dog


    Pittie and Corgi!

    MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY! Those ears SCREAM corgi! Uncropped pit ears don't usually look like that.... more of a flap- or point. Being so round, they say corgi. =]

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hey, my husband had ears like that as a kid & but he eventually grew into them. Maybe she's just going through an "awkward stage" as well! Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    If we are going by ears, they look more like Frenchie ears than Corgi ears to me.  I don't see any other semblance of Corgi in the dog.  I've seen many other uncropped pits with funny ears like that.

    • Gold Top Dog
    The ears are soo cute! I thought Corgi when I first saw her but perhaps some pitties ears do stand erect like that.

    I love the way the fur color matches the eyes. ^-^

    • Gold Top Dog


    Hey, my husband had ears like that as a kid & but he eventually grew into them. Maybe she's just going through an "awkward stage" as well! Big Smile



    Thanks for the ideas everyone!  

    • Gold Top Dog
    I think that doggie looks like a cross between a pit bull and a french bulldog.
    • Gold Top Dog

     The face and body say pit bull but those ears!!!!!  I almost fell out of my chair, I was laughing so hard!  I have never seen a pit bull with ears like that but they are unique!