Rottie lovers

    • Bronze

    Rottie lovers

    Lets hear some funny, sad or memorable stories about the best darn breed there is.

    • Puppy

    Well, I don't know about funny but I do think it is sad that noone has replied to this board yet. :( Rotties are GREAT people and I'm sure there are more than just a couple owners out there! Come on, lets hear about your babies!

    Personally, I currenty have two. A 3 year old female and a 17 week old male. Her name is Keyana and his in Mavado. Keyana came to me as a gift when she was just a young baby,  so I am not sure of her background.  Mavado, however is from a breeder in Georgia. His Dad and Grandfather, as well as several other members of his family have all won champion titles. They are a shutzhund family and although I have not had much experience with it, we are learning together and he will join in the sport as well. I also plan to work him in tracking and protection work. He's going to be one very busy puppy! :)

    I look forward to meeting other Rottie owners!