Miniture Dalmations

    • Gold Top Dog

    Miniture Dalmations

     New one to me. Anyone else heard of it? I wish people where happy with the way breeds are supposed to be. Makes me go up to my furbabies and smother them with kisses and hugs.

    website to the mini dals

    • Gold Top Dog
    Gah When will it end!
    Next think you know there will be minature Labradors and Mini Giant Schnauzers.><
    • Gold Top Dog

     I just dont get it at all. I mean if you want a little dog why dont you get one that is already a well established breed?

    • Gold Top Dog

    A Chihuahua with spots 

    • Gold Top Dog

    This is bad!! Atleast they have to spay/neuter the dog when it comes of age.

    • Gold Top Dog

    They're darling, but why?    Why keep messing around with all these breeds?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Someone told me about those about 10 years ago when I had my Dal.  Pretty sad, wish people would stop messing with breeds grrrr...Angry 

    • Gold Top Dog


    A Chihuahua with spots 

    That's exactly what it looks like.  It doesn't actually look like a small version of a dalmation.  How does one do this?  It baffles me.
    • Gold Top Dog

    wow some of them look like my daisy, her mom was a full dalmatian but the father don't know they lady said it was a daschund but I think she's mixed with a beagle at least thats what I see some vets has said beagle or bassethound, some of daisy's brothers and sisters had long legs and some short, daisy has short legs I wouldn't change her for anything lol. (and daisy was free all of them were since they were mutts lol)

     But those dogs kinda look like their legs aren't big/strong enough for their body weight at least thats what it looks like to me always gotta be someone out for more money lol

    • Bronze


    Correct me if I'm wrong.  Didn't almost all the breeds today come from selective breeding in the past.  I know that many of you will want to berate me, but it just seems a little hypocritical.  I'm not a designer dog advocate by the way.
    • Gold Top Dog

    $2500 for a toy female. Whew that's steep! Have to pay for that limo service somehow though :)


    Lorax, I agree with you but I do believe that these breeders are dishonest in their breeding practices. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Mini if this breed didn't have enough problems in its standard version...  :( 

    I also understand your point, lorax, but the difference between these breeders and the breeders of past breeds in pretty much money.  The breeders today that are making "mini" this and "poo" that are breeding because they want to make a profit, and the way people do that today is by breeding something "rare."  All they're doing is creating more health problems, bad raps, and surplus dogs.  If someone wants to make some odd dog breed of there own and are really serious about it and do it responsibly and ethically, I'm all for it.  I know I'm probably one of the few, because many people think that even the purebred breeders who do testing and such with their dogs still shouldn't be breeding because of the current pet overpopulation. 



    • Gold Top Dog
    Ugh.... thats all, just ugh....
    • Gold Top Dog

    Next think you know there will be minature Labradors .><

    Not to make anybody mad or anything but I kind of hope they do someday get miniature Labs! I always say that to my mom. I love the breed now and would love a little one I could carry around with me easily. lol

    • Gold Top Dog

    Next thing you know there will be minature Labradors .><

    Not to make anybody mad or anything but I kind of hope they do someday get miniature Labs! I always say that to my mom. I love the breed now and would love a little one I could carry around with me easily. lol

    Ugh I cant even spell 'thing' right. lol I think there are such a thing but they are supposedly a smaller version of Lab and not a crossbeed. i dont know much about that.
    There is a breed called Patterdale terreir that looks like a mini-Lab.

    Sooo cute! But still a terrier.