Any rare doggies out there? (purebred)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Any rare doggies out there? (purebred)

    Anyone have a rare dog? Example: My groomer has a South African Boerboel. If you have a rare dog, please post pics! I love to see them!
    • Gold Top Dog

     While the Alaskan Klee Kai may not be quite as rare as the South African Boerboel, it's still fairly rare and recognized by ARBA.  Alaskan Klee Kais are basically miniature Alaskan Huskies, and pack all the punch of a big dog, but in a small package.  Most breeders of AKK are on the West Coast, but more and more are starting to crop up around the country.  Their small litter size only makes the AKK more rare, as there isn't quite the natural propensity to procreate in great numbers.  Black/White with blue eyes is considered to be the most coveted coloring, but all varieties of grey, white, and black (with blue, brown or bi-colored eyes) are accepted.

    Honor's a miniature of the breed, which means she won't ever weigh more than 13 lbs or be taller than 14 inches.  At 6.5 months old, she's 8 lbs and 12 inches.  

    Pictures of my beloved fur baby:



    • Gold Top Dog

    Hektor is a Dogo Argentino



    • Gold Top Dog

    Alaskan Klee Kais are basically miniature Alaskan Huskies, and pack all the punch of a big dog, but in a small package.

    OMGosh!  How adorable!  I've seen your little avatar pic when you post and I guess I thought it was a raccoon!  I'm soooo sorry!  LOL  He is just freakin' ADORABLE!  I love his eyes!!!  By the way, My Emily has that same little Alaskan stuffy!  LOL  I'll have to show her these pics when she gets home from school!  I can hear her squeal now!  

    • Gold Top Dog


    Hektor is a Dogo Argentino



    He's pretty!  I've never heard of that breed!  You know, I'm probably gonna be posting after every pic I see...this could end up being extremely long!  LOL
    • Gold Top Dog

    We have a a TON of AKK here at the UKC events...very cute breed...too much bark for me, tho! LOL...

    • Gold Top Dog
    Wow you guys have some beautiful dogs! I've never seen either of those dogs. Heard of them, but never seen. I love the pigment on the Dogo Argentino! Question about the Klee Klai? Beautiful dog, always admired them, but was is the average wait for a normal sized one? Like are they usually small enough to be carried? Do they shed and bark alot? Good with kids and other dogs? Sorry for all the question I'm just really interested in the breed! Dogo Questions- Good with kids? Shed alot? Good with other dogs? Average size? (are they a giant breed) Thank you!
    • Gold Top Dog

    My mother has a Swedish Vallhund. He's not a very good example of the breed, though. You can see him in my sig. His name is Pyry and he's black. Vallhunds are supposed to be sable or wolf grey. My mother's other dog is a Kelpie cross. Kelpies are not rare here, but I guess they're unusual outside of Australia.

    I've got my eye on Finnish Lapphunds. They are really pretty. Here's the boy I am crossing my fingers will be ours by the end of this month.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Infiniti you AKK is beautiful! Like a mini husky.

    Do Giant Schnauzers count as rare? I dont think so, but I dont see to many around here. So this Joe. He is sporting a realy bad Schnauzer cut done by me. xD

    • Gold Top Dog

     He looks more like a wolfhound or deerhound with that haircut.


      He is a cutie!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hektor is not a perfect example of his breed. His nose should be all black. A pink nose is a serious fault. Otherwise he is perfect.

     Mind you we do not care, we have no intention of showing him or breeding him and his pink nose gives him character.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have a beauceron..not too many in the US, just into the AKC last year..I'd definatly consider she comes to work with me 40 hours a week (at a retail petstore) and noone yet has been able to identify what she is!

     and an akita..hmm..guess they're not rare..but not all that common either.. :)  I love getting to see rare breeds..considered Dogos before i got my beauce, ive seen two african borboels at the vet i used to work day i will own a presa canario and a tibetan day..

     Here she is..these were all taken a few weeks 5 months old and 50 lbs..


    If you cant tell from the pics, they look similar to a heavy-set stocky doberman, with natural tail, double dewclaws on hind legs, and a little bit longer coat. 80-100 lbs, females cannot be taller than 26 1/2 ".  They also come in Harlequin color (blue merle with tan points)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Janet - Thanks, I'm glad you like her!  And her stuffie was a gift from my brother, lol.  When he gave it to her, it was bigger than she was!

    Gina - No kiddding about the noise-factor.  Honor woo-woos her opinions about everything!

    Corvus - LOVE, LOVE Finnish Lapphunds!  I would love to have one someday, they're a fabulous breed.  I hope you get your Finnie!

    Question about the Klee Klai? Beautiful dog, always admired them, but was is the average wait for a normal sized one? Like are they usually small enough to be carried? Do they shed and bark alot? Good with kids and other dogs?


    Okay, answers:

    Average Wait: It really depends on the breeder and litter (ie. how many litters they breed a year, pet-quality vs. show, litter size, breeding plan, etc.).  From the time that I first contacted Honor's breeder to the time that she came up...about 5-6 months, which is pretty decent.  Honestly, I lucked out, Honor just came up at the right time, and DH and I were ready for her!  If you're less concerned about coloring, that will expedite the wait process.  Honor's breeder was telling me that people will wait a LONG time for certain colors, especially the black/white/blue eyes.  If you're truly going for the AKK, I would jump on a puppy if it comes up.  Waiting for the standard size might take some time, but it really depends on if the breeder is focused on any particular size.  Honor's breeder does all sizes, and Honor (who's a miniature), was the result of a standard x miniature breeding!

    Carried:  Yes, definitely.  The miniature and toy sizes are very small, and easily fit in your basic travel carrier.  The standard is usually too big to be carried around in a shoulder-carrier, but is definitely small enough to be picked up and held around the home with ease.  The standards only get to be 15 inches tall, so we're still talking a little dog.

    Shed and Bark:  Shedding, AKKs shed as much as your average dog.  They blow coat twice a year, but in the downtime, the coat is fairly easy to care for.  And almost no doggy odor!  AKKs enjoy being clean, and Honor is almost as fastidious about her personal hygiene as a cat!  Barking, yes.  The AKK is a vocal breed, always telling you what they think about this and that.  But they are very smart, and can be taught "Quiet".  Even at 6.5 months, Honor fully knows what "Quiet" means.  And when I say barking, it's actually more like talking.  Honor very rarely barks wildly (like, yap, yap, yap, yap).  She woo-woos, rowr-rowrs, rumbles, coos, purrs, and does a whole variety of noises.  DH and I joke that we should have named her Chewbacca, because she does this noise that sounds exactly like he does in the movies!

    Good With Kids/Dogs:  Yes, definitely.  Honor LOVES people.  She'll be the first one to run up and be like "Hi! My name's Honor, how're you?!".  Same for dogs.  She's never shown any aggression, just a love for all living things (almost to excess, her greatest dream is to be friends with my mom's cat, but the cat isn't having any of it!)  I will tell you that socialization is a must for the AKK.  Without proper socialization, they can be very shy, which can lead to problems.  But as long as you do puppy kindergarten, and get them out there, you'll be fine.

    I hope I answered all of your questions!  If you want any more info, feel free to post or send me a PM, I love talking about AKKs!

    And everyone's dogs are so cute!  Rarer breeds are fun.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Dogo Questions- Good with kids? Shed alot? Good with other dogs? Average size? (are they a giant breed) Thank you!


     Yes they are very gentle with kids. Hektor is wary of strangers unless they happen to be children, which he loves. He does shed a lot and I vacuum often to pick up the white hairs. They are okay with other dogs providing the other dogs are mellow, they do not tolerate dominant dogs very well. Males are up to 120 lbs although hunting weight is normally around 90. They are also know as Argentinian Mastiffs.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Anyone have a rare dog? Example: My groomer has a South African Boerboel. If you have a rare dog, please post pics! I love to see them!


    I don't own any rare breeds, but I get quite a few in my classes.  The rarest I've had thus far is probably the Kooikerhondje.  I've had a few Leonbergers, a few Dogo Argentinos, one Pharaoh Hound, a Canaan Dog, quite a few Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers, an Anatolian Shepherd, Portuguese Podengo...and the list goes on.