
    • Gold Top Dog


     We rescued this girl back in the summer from a family where proper care wasnt given. Since then she has grown and she is one very excited,and intelligent dog. I originally thought she was a fox terrier mix. But here recently I was looking at dog breeds and came across the Basenji. Well I started reading and looking at pics and I truly think that is what Dasie is. Not sure if she is purebred or a mix. What is everyones take? And let everyone know she screams she sounds like a young woman when she does, usually when she is excited when we get home, and yes it actually hurts are ears.












    • Gold Top Dog

     Anyone w/Basenji exp.?

    • Gold Top Dog

    got any more pictures? and.... do i see A dew claw on the hind foot? as in.. just one? lol

     i think its possible that she is a Basenji mix. the tail is certainly interesting... but then again she could just be a "Natural Dog" ... meaning several generations of mutts that eventually create its own standard look. Pointy or semi pointy ears, curly or question mark like tail, medium hight and a tricolour coat, or a coat like a shepherds... Think Dingos or street dogs in Mexico and Spain.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I looked at the photos earlier and I do think she looks like a basenji mix. And you mentioned that she has a strange scream instead of a bark. Basenji's don't bark, they yodel. Does your dog like to run and chase things? That would be another tell-tale sign. Basenji's aren't a popular breed but they aren't rare either, so I think it is possible that you could have wound up with a basenji cross from the shelter. I haven't known too many basenjis except the ones at the dog park back when I only had one Italian Greyhound. They would chase eachother the entire time they were there. Sighthounds know other sighthounds and will choose to play exclusively with eachother. Even the sighthound mixes that took after their sighthound parent in looks tend to be this way. Elitist, I know, but it can't be helped!
    • Gold Top Dog

     yea she does have that one dew claw. And yes she goes insane w/the rabbits and squirrls. She goes so far that she has chased a coon up the tree and every time she goes out she attempts to run up the tree. She will also jump and nip at my cattle-dogs mouth always egging the play-time on.  She is well behaved and her bark type noise is let out when we come home or the other dogs start first.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Looks basenji ish- BUT, also could definately be a Rat Terrier mix. I see curled tails on a lot of undocked RTs (seems to go along with the high tailset).  

    • Gold Top Dog

    I was going to say what PWCA just said.  Either way, she's very cute!