Sheltie experts needed

    • Bronze

    Sheltie experts needed

    I have a 4 1/2 yr old Sheltie, named Max.  Max is a sweet boy, but has problems with aggression towards other dogs.  Walking Max is not a fun experience with either one of us.  I have tried just about everything I can think of with little success.  I had Collies growing up, but this is my first Shelite.  I have a 13 1/2 yr old Shih Tzu, named Meisha and she likes going for walks, but walking Max is difficult and walking the two of them together is not an option.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.






    • Gold Top Dog

    not much in the way of advice except to remain consistent. my mom had a sheltie/collie mix when i was a teen. Maggie was aloof, and didnt like to mix with strangers. she only liked her pack... meaning me, my mom, and the other dogs we had (except for the jack russell terrier) and eventually my husband. she adored him....

    I never had a problem walking Maggie because i trained her from the start on how to behave, recall, and do as i tell her. I could walk her anywhere without a leash and i KNEW i wouldnt have any problems with her. a Rabbit could hop right in front of her nose ringing a dinner bell and she wouldnt oblige. But if she was cornered she would suddenly turn into White Fang... If i told her to she would let people pet her but the whole time she had this disgusted look on her face and she would be tense the whole time like they were petting her with slime covered hands or something. she was a real snob.....


    Anyway i dont know how much research you've done about your breed, but you can REALLY use that to your advantage like i did. collies and shepherd type breeds are all about making you happy. If you're happy then they're happy. they dont like harsh corrections. and they dont like strangers molesting them.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Need a bit more information on exactly what's happening -- where does the problem begin?  Is this a herding thing (to try to get them in line, etc.) or fear aggression?

    What are the position of the ears?

    Tail position?

    Body language?

    What steps are you taking?  Do you put the dog in a 'sit' before the other dog approaches?  How much obedience training has your dog had?

    • Gold Top Dog

     Check out Patricia McConnell's little book, Fiesty Fido.  That can get you a place to start.  After that, if you haven't reached a place where you are comfortable with what's happening, I'd strongly advise seeking help in person with an accredited animal behaviorist. 

    I know how this sort of thing can make your life miserable, and hers too believe it or not, and it's important that you get accurate assessment of what's going on by an expert, rather than having us try to guess what's going on over the internet.  So much depends on very subtle cues that most likely a casual dog owner won't pick up on, and so much depends on context and changes from moment to moment.

    Good luck and keep us apprised! 

    • Puppy

    I am a sheltie breeder may be I can help.... I would like to know more about the dog and the situations


    Debbie and the furkids

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd like some more info too. Is this just on leash during walks? What exactly does your dog do when s/he sees other dogs?