Any one have a Beauceron?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Any one have a Beauceron?

    I was just wondering if anyone on here has a beauceron?  I lost my boy almost 2 yrs ago and haven't had the heart to get another.  If you do, are you  working them or just a pet?


    • Gold Top Dog
    i don't have one. i have seen two in person, and from what i know they seem like a very nice breed. can you tell me more about the breed?
    • Gold Top Dog

    I would say they are most similar to a German Shepherd.  They are a very loving and loyal breed.  He was always such a  sweet soul.  Don't get me wrong, if he didn't know you, you were not coming on to the property.  At 120lbs of barking dog, none tried!  LOL  He was devoted to Michaela(daughter).  From the time she was old enough to go out and play outside by herself, he was always right there wherever she was.  If she went from front to back, he would just get up and follow her.  Never bothering her, just laying quietly near her.  The day he was diagnoised with cancer, he came home from the vet in my dad's truck, since his leg was bothering him, dad decided to just let him lay back there on his bed until my brother-in-law could help him get out.  He heard Michaela out playing with her cousin in the back yard and got down out of the truck to go find her.  Some say the are somewhat stand-offish, but he never was.  You couldn't have asked for a better dog.  Maybe I just got really lucky or maybe they are just good dogs.  I did have his sister for bit, but I didn't like her personality, I sent her back.  She was an awful female-female fighter.  But I had a friend who had several males, and they all had great personalities like him.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Although I dont own one (I prefer more reactive speed of light kind of dogs),  I do admire Debbie Skinner's dogs.  She is in CA and has some excellent working lines and strong breeding program.  Her dogs are doing well in multiple venues.  I get the feeling they are more like giant schn, in approach to work and "my way or the highway" can be an issue with them.  Debbie's website

    • Gold Top Dog

    Actually Leif is one of Debbie's dog.  I loved him, but I got a mal from her that I was totally disappointed in and wanted to send it back and she would never return my calls.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am surprised to hear that and quite disappointed as well.  Thank you for sharing that experience with me, it will impact my suggestions in the future.

    • Silver

    It's a breed I really love. I don't own one, but one of my uncle do, first a male, and when he died in a accident, my uncle takes a female. I also have a friend who have a little kennel of this breedd. And I often see some of these breed, which is quite popular in France, every body know the "bas rouge" as a good body and house guard.

    What do you think about the "arlequin" colour ? I do love it, and if I would have a beauceron one day, it would be in this colour.
    In France, we can't cut anymore the ears so the beauceron has a bit change, but he's always the same wonderfull dog, with his will to please his owner, and so great with children.

    • Gold Top Dog

    wow, thanks for sharing the pic. I would've had no clue that was a beauceron!! They are gorgeous dogs.

    • Gold Top Dog

    i have a beauceron!  Ive wanted one for several years.  I got her from Karla Davis, also in California.  She has been in the breed sence the 80's, which is quite a while for a rather uncommon breed.  I absolutely adore her, and do plan on getting more involved with the breed, and maybe one day be considered a great breeder myself :) but thats a ways off...  Shes 4 months now, but i do plan on showing her in AKC conformation, as well as obedience, agility, herding, and possibly ring sport.

    • Gold Top Dog

    She is really beautiful!!!!  They all are!  I really miss my boy!!!


    • Puppy

    This post was just brought to my attention.  I always take dogs back from my breeding as well as help with Beauceron and Malinois rescue.  I did answer your calls. I just did not agree to pay the shipping back on the dog.  You could of shipped or brought the malinois back at any time and I encouraged you to do so.  I never want to see dog where it's not wanted.  This is the rest of the story.

     Debbie Skinner

    Les Ombres Valeureux


    • Gold Top Dog
    Hi debbie, welcome to idog. Thank you for the input.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Let's tell the whole story Debbie. .......


     I called you as a fellow dog trainer.  I asked SPECIFICALLY for certain things in the dog I wanted from you.  I asked that she have good strong working lines, which she did.  I also asked you for a HARD, WORKING temperment female.  I told you I was wanting this female for competition.  You assured me that this female was all that.  I received a dog that was totally freaked out about everything!!  I spent 2 weeks just trying to gain this puppy's trust.  I called you several times about my concerns about this dog's temperment.  You  kept telling me to give her a little more time.  After 3 weeks, there was no change in this dog's temperment.  You knowingly sent a paranoid dog to me, thinking because I was so far away I wouldn't do anything about it.  Why should I have to pay for the shipping back of a dog that you KNEW was not the dog I was asking for???  We both, as trainers, know that dog was always afraid of it's own shadow and belonged in a pet home, definitely not a working home.  The airline trip didn't traumatize this dog so badly that it changed it's temperment.  When I told you that you should pay to ship back this dog and ship me a dog that I asked for.  I never heard from you again.  I called and called and sent you emails to that effect.  All of which you refused to answer.  You have done this before with people, remember Judy from FL????  You sent her dogs that were not what you said they were.  I will continue to tell everyone I can what type of person you are.



    • Bronze


    She is my beauceron Smile

    Diamond von Danubia 

    • Gold Top Dog

     oh shes beautiful.  What bloodlines is she?  beautiful girl!  Here is an update of mine :)  Shes now 18 months old.. Contessa du Chateau Rocher CGC CD RN...currently training for her CDX, RA, conformation, agility, and schutzhund!



     and with my 4 month old Tibetan Mastiff