Another What breed is my dog thread! *pics galore!*

    • Gold Top Dog

    Another What breed is my dog thread! *pics galore!*

    Hi All!

    For the life of me, I cannot make up my mind what Harley is!

    I've narrowed it to these breeds and any possible crossings between them.

    Maltese, Poodle, Terrier (Westie), Bichon Frise (only as a mix with a poodle... but very unlikely... just really tossing that in there)

    She looks very Maltese-ey to me (the tail esp.) but shes 17lbs (not standard for the maltese but I know that can happen!) but then she also has this look to her that is terrier-like. Then ofcourse her hair is straight in some parts and curly in the others... I was looking at pictures of these four breeds online and their crosses, some of the pictures from each one looks like her and some are totally off... baaahhh so confused! Haha :D

    Here are pics! (sorry for the overload... but whatever helps!)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think she looks like she could be a Westie/Poodle X.  Her face is extremely Westie and that tail/hair looks a lot like Poodle.  It's hard to tell many of the smaller, white breeds can look similar when they're covered in hair Wink 

    • Gold Top Dog

    the curly coat and wispy tail says Bichon... but the face looks like a westie ... to me anyway

    cute little bug though! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I vote Westiepoo 

    • Gold Top Dog

    wooh almost forgot about this thread!

    I think westie/poodle too. Does it matter that her coat is all hair (no undercoat?) and she has spotted skin? Her hair is curly in some parts and straight in others.

    I am also tempted to see how long her hair could grow - or if this is as long as it gets. :D

    • Gold Top Dog

    I would say West highland terrier, Bichon frise or Maltese mix.

    • Gold Top Dog
    a cute little westiepoo. Face is all westie, fur looks the same as the fur poodle crosses tend to have.
    • Gold Top Dog

    In the one picture Harley looks like one of those scottish terriers, the tail, definitely Maltese. So, I would have to go with those two guesses since I'm not too sure of all breeds.  Even tho the one pic (2nd to the last) Harley's hair looks a little curly, Tabitha's (my Maltese) hair is more wavy than straight.  Harley's cute!  Does he/she shed?  Just curious.

    • Gold Top Dog

    She doesn't shed fur like the two-coat dogs. She prob sheds like how we shed our hair.

    • Gold Top Dog

    My vote would be for either maltipoo or westipoo... definately a cutipoo!!!!!! 

    • Gold Top Dog
    Have you done a Google image search for Westipoos? Your dog looks just like the photos that come up in the search.
    • Gold Top Dog


    My vote would be for either maltipoo or westipoo... definately a cutipoo!!!!!! 

     Haha! Cute! Thanks!

     And yeah I have done searches for it - Yahoo, Google, YouTube, - Dogster was the nuttiest, I found a dog looking like Harley on almost all of the possible choices (maltese/poodle, westie/poodle, bichon/poodle, westie/maltese, westie/bichon, etc you get the drift)

    I'm also trying to match via "breed traits" but its still all over.

    Haha. Whatever fluffball is, I still love her - its kind of fun guessing what she is.

    • Bronze

    I think he is a Westhighland Terrier x Toy or Miniature Poodle cross.  The dog can look a bit different depending upon the size poodle cross used to create it.

