Any Guesses?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Any Guesses?

    She showed up on my doorstep yesterday.  She is young, judging by her teeth...less than a year I'd say, but that's about as close as I can guess.  Weighs about 35-40 lbs maybe (rough estimate).  Very sweet.  I'm afraid she may have been dumped.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Awww!  She's cute!  Look at that tongue!  At first I thought part pittbull, but there is a breed, don't know what it's called that the 2nd picture reminds me of.  They are actually a smaller size, (like she is now, maybe a little bigger) and have those really big ears.  I usually see them in a blondish/tan color.  Sorry, I'm not that knowlegeable either about breeds, but I'm sure someone here will see it.  Are you planning on keeping her? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd buy PB X BC...that's a nice tight close coat, and on the side pic I see the promise of some "cheekiness".  What breeds are commonly seen around you? Esp running about stray or owned by idiots? LOL.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I would say Pitt x Border collie too. The eyes say Pitt, the coloring and nose says BC. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    what a cutie! I see pit, maybe some bc like was said earlier. Something else with a narrow face...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pit/BC was my first thought too.  She reminds a little bit of both.  Her coloring is actually blue & white, although it's hard to tell by the photots.  Actually though, looking at her photos again just now, I realized what it is about her that has been bugging me.  Her face reminds me a lot of a Doberman, if you ignore her markings.  Maybe I'm just seeing things though.

    In any case, I wouldn't be surprised at any of those being in the mix.  I'm in a rural area, and I have seen several different breeds/mixes, including some bully breeds and some herding breeds.  This area is full of idiots who let their dogs run around loose, so she could certainly have come from somewhere nearby.  But it seems kind of strange how she just showed up on my doorstep one morning and has not left to go back home.  She may just not want to, as she does not appear to have been well cared for at all.  (And I did start feeding her the  second day, because I felt bad for her -- she was ravenous).

    I don't know what to do with her.  I can't keep her, and I'm reluctant to call A/C because I'm afraid she would be euthed right away.  She is quite obnoxious, although sweet.  I have put up a few signs around here, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for a call.

    • Gold Top Dog

    she is very sweet looking.  I thought BC/Pit right away too.  What state are you in?

    • Gold Top Dog
