
    • Bronze


    I am new here and was just wondering if there were any other Bullmastiff lovers out there? I would love to hear your experiences with health, nutrition, and obedience.




    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't own one, but a friend around the corner has 2 (mother & son).  She's also expecting a new pup sometime soon.  I worked her male in handling classes (she had her female Rott).  I love the breed- just wish they lived longer.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I have never owned one but I love them!  They are too cute!

    • Bronze

    They are a wonderful breed, I am hoping Alexa is with us for at least 9 good years. We are doing our best! I actually thought that I was feeding her a good dog food but after reading some of the forums Im not so sure anymore.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Meka the Mighty.....the best dog I have ever known.  We picked him out when he was four weeks old and brought him home at eight weeks.  He was a dream dog!!! I have so many wonderful stories about him. You take good care of her and she will be forever faithful.  Meka acted like he was trained by the F.B.I.  He was WONDERFUL with children!  He passed away almost two years ago, his stomache flipped.  We tried so hard to save him but he died on the way to the vet.  I have to say, I was one of the worst days of my life....I tell everyone, I lost a child that day!  We have kits now for our Mastiffs so if that stomach flipping ever happens we can save them.  Never let her play to much after she eats. Elevate her dishes so she doesn't have to eat with her head down.  Try to teach her to drink in small sessions (thats a hard one) so she doesn't swallow to much air.  I'm sorry, I'm not trying to freak ya out, these are all just things I wish I had known thenEmbarrassed I don't recomend people food for Bull Mastiffs, as you may already know, they are gasy and it always irritated Meka's belly when someone would sneak it to him.  Oh, and try natural food with no corn products....Bull Mastiffs and Mastiffs tend to have itchy skin and the corn makes it worse.  It took forever for us to want another dog.  We were going to get Bull Mastiffs again but we want to breed and In this area ther is toooo much dog fighting going on.  I screen my adoptive parents very well but I could never live with knowing one got by me.  So we got Mastiffs they are so big and lazy they would never make good fighters. lol  If you need anything or have any questions or maybe want to humor me and hear my silly stories just e-mail me or somethingBig Smile