
    • Bronze


    Has anyone owned an Airedale?  I am looking for one to rescue.  I would like more information about them and their temperment.



    John Runer

    • Gold Top Dog

     My dog is half Airedale. I also am in contact with his mother the full Airedale.

    Airedales are very intelligent dogs. They need to be kept mentally stimulated. They also think they are giant lap dogs and will sleep in your bed if given the chance. 

    Lex isn't very vocal either, he will only give a warning bark. He is extremely friendly. Airedales are also notorious for having skin problems.

    If you want to know anything else just pm me. I have done tons of research and could give you some good links.

    • Bronze

    Thankyou for the reply!   I did not know about the skin concerns.  Airedales seem like very active intelligent dogs from the research I have done so far.

     John Runer

    • Gold Top Dog
    • Bronze

    Thank you for the links,  I am trying to adopt an Airedale/Wheaton i found in Montana!


    • Gold Top Dog

     I also wanted to add that Airedales are big goof balls! They love to run, play and be silly. They are also hopelessly devoted. Lex will not eat, or play or move from the front door  when I am gone. He follows me from room to room, even when I first got him at 10 weeks. He is also very good with cats and ferrets, but of course he was young when introduced to them.


    Airedale/wheaten cross must be a cutie! I love the look of wheatens. Good luck on the adoption!

    • Bronze

     My mom and dad found an Airedale in the neighborhood before I came along and swept them off their feet.  They said he was good, yes a total goof ball.  They are known to do things like hide your car keys before leaving for work.  They like to be with their owner.  If you go to the study so does the Airedale, the bathroom too.  They can be big 80lbs, so my parents decided it was too big of a breed.  They even tried rescuing before too.  Very good luck!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I do know those Airedale people make fab-u-lous Airedale quilts with proceeds going to rescue.  Here's this year's:


    for others, just google "Airedale Quilt"

    • Puppy

    I currently own an "Airehead" and wouldn't trade him for the world! Out of all the dogs I have or ever had he has been the most loyal! If you do your homework their are certain lines that do not have skin issues! Mine I thought was developing skin problems but simply switching the food did the trick! I had him on Science Diet for his first year and he kept developing skin infections so I researched foods and found Nutro's holistic line...Nutro Ultra to be the best thing for him and I haven't had any trouble since. They are highly intelligent and get bored very easily and must never be left alone unless properly confined as they will destroy anything and everything (the window blinds, light switch , door knob, blankets...) they will work hard for treats but they tend to have attention disorders! Keep them focused!

    Jennifer and Zeus!