Italian Greyhound or Whippet

    • Bronze


    I own an Italian Greyhound and I absolutely love him!  Of course what owner doesn't love their pets? is a GREAT site for tons of Iggy info, there are also some Whippet owners on this site.

     House training was a bit of an issue, iggys do not like to go outside when cold/rainy, he papertrained/litter trained very well though, if you don't mind cleaning up/changing the papers in your house.

     My iggy gets along w/ my cat, my mom's German Shepard, and all kids he's encountered.  He does have tons of energy but we don't have him in any agility training, etc., we just take him for walks, play fetch, or chase the cat for his exercise and he does fine.

     I'd be glad to answer anymore questions you might have.

    ETA:  Iggys don't have to come from a breeder, there are plenty of Iggys that need to be rescued as well.

    • Puppy

    I have two wonderful Whippets. I have never had any problem with housebreaking or crate training. They would rather be snuggling together on the chair than be outside. Big Smile


    • Gold Top Dog
    I have two IGs. They are amazing dogs and I will never be without one but I will admit that they are not the breed for everyone. Yes, they are fragile, but if you get one from a reputable breeder they will have less of a chance of breaking a leg. Yes, they can be timid, but if they are socialized well from a young age you will cut down the chance of having a timid iggy. They are warm, snuggly, emotionally intelligent velcro dogs and if you want an iggy you must be prepared to have yours around you, touching you, with you at all times. You must be prepared to have one sleeping under the covers with you at night. If you don't like the idea of a dog on the furniture or in bed with you then this is not the right breed for you. They can NEVER be let off leash in an unfenced area. They will chase anything that runs and will be deaf to your frantic calls as they "course" a squirrel right into a street full of cars. They are difficult to house train but it is not impossible with a good routine, a crate, persistence and stamina on your part. They need to be kept warm and if you live in a cold cllimate they must have coats to wear and blankets to snuggle under. They are very sensitive to yelling and do not do well with harsh discipline. Their grooming and maintenance is low but you must brush their teeth on a regular basis. They have horrible teeth. An IG puppy is a handful. They are VERY high energy dogs and their puppyhood lasts for several years. So if you want a calm dog an older rescue IG might be a better choice. Whippets are also great dogs. They tend to be more tractable than IGs, although the same sighthound rules still apply: never off leash, etc. They are not as high strung as iggies and many people say that they are one of the "best kept secrets in dogdom." As far as having a big grey and what looks like a tiny Chi from that photo, I don't think it is a good idea. Sighthounds have very strong instincts to course and kill small game. Your tiny dog could easily be killed in the blink of an eye by a big grey. In fact there is a discussion right now on Iggy Planet about having big greys and IGs together. Most people who have been in IGs for a long time do not recommend it. They have seen and heard too many horror stories over the years. I'm not saying that Big greys are monsters, it's probably just better not to mix a large breed dog with strong hunting instincts and a small breed dog that is the size of a prey animal together. Even my 17 lb "biggy iggy" could and would kill your chi if they were out running together. Sighthounds have VERY VERY STRONG instincts. I remember reading a horror story about a big grey and an IG that were living together. In the blink of an eye and without provocation the big grey snatched up the IG and shook it in it's mouth, ripping the dog apart and ultimately killing it. Please err on the side of caution and if you are a novice sighthound owner do not attempt to mix a grey with a toy breed. There are several Italian greyhound forums. Iggy Planet is my favorite and a great resource. Some of the best breeders in the country spend a great deal of time on that forum as do many IGCA rescue reps, so if you have questions or want to find a reputable breeder or a rescue in your area they are always willing to help. Good luck!