• Gold Top Dog

    NEED GSD Help

    I just pulled a male GSD from a backyard where he has lived for the past several months chained to a carport, has had little exersise, most likely has been fed only once a day and whos back legs appear to not be right (to me).

     I will try and post pictures tonight and I am trying to set up a time to meet with the GSD rescue here in NM (they are way on the other side of town) if anyone is aware of someone that lives near me (Rio Rancho) NM that knows GSD's well please ask them to email me.

      His temprement is good, he is friendly and wants to please, he has no idea about anything and he is friendly with other dogs. He is entire, although the owners told me he was neutered he still has two danglies so I believe they just do not know what neuter means.

     My plan is to re-home the dog

    • Gold Top Dog

    Bless your heart.

    Go here:

    Request the same thing in the Urgent section.


    • Gold Top Dog
    • Gold Top Dog


    Thanks guys I posted on both forums (Carla both links go to the same forum) and I appreciate your help. Looking at him tonight he may just be a little cow-hocked. I am taking him to my vet in the morning to evaluate his legs and hips.

     I can't post pictures as DH is on a hunting trip and it looks like he took the camera

    • Gold Top Dog

    Good luck with everything.......when an adult male gets neutered the dangly thing is still there for a while, but should go away eventually......

    • Gold Top Dog

    Try that, oddly enough that is how I found Kords breeder...........Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

     Sorry! I'm an idiot! Thanks, Truely, for putting the right link up. Good luck snownose.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Well in his case it is two testicles that are dangling. The complete entire testicles
    • Gold Top Dog

    That means neutered he is not. So now I wonder what they think neutered ment??

    • Gold Top Dog

    Darn good question LOL


     BTW there are a few pics up in my profile. I took them with a neighbors camera that I am not familiar with so they are not great

    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree...he can't be neutered if it looks like the whole shop is still in, I 'll check out the pics in your profile.....

    • Gold Top Dog

    I checked out the pics....and yes, you are right.....his equipment is there......but, he is beautiful......

    • Gold Top Dog

    He is Gorgeous!

    Good deep color, I did see the leg shot where it seems they are bending in. Any idea on how old he is?

    • Gold Top Dog

    He is suppose to be 11 months but may be a little older. He is not any older than 14 or 15 months as they got him when he was a puppy and it was not that long ago. I am trying to get the previous owners to remember and to find his paperwork, he is suppose to be a pure bred as well.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Out of curiosity does he have a tatoo anywhere that you can see, most are in the right ear.....

    here is one of Kord's pic's when he was young, you can just make out the tat in his right ear.

    And I think your right on for age wise. Papers would be nice since you could in all actuality find his breeder.