New Dog, What is he???

    • Gold Top Dog

    New Dog, What is he???

     Hey guys and gals, Any idea as what he may be mixed with? I am anxious to hear your thoughts. He is a good sized dog. I would say large and about 60+ lbs.


    Thanks!  Rich.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hard to say...Amer Bulldog mix? pointer mix?

    • Silver

    Body and legs look greyhoundish, but I have no idea.  Good luck figuring him out.  He is a nice looking fella!

    • Gold Top Dog

    His markings look exactly like a terrior I once had

    Pit / terrior?

    • Gold Top Dog

    The markings and size look to me to that of a coonhound.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks so far guys and gals. What a broad spectrum of guesses!  I myself have no idea. The shelter had him listed as a lab but they have 50% of the dogs listed wrong or they are of too many breeds to be certian.

    He is a pretty big guy but is very affectionate and super friendly. Not a mean bone in his body. He gets along great with my other pooch who is from my best guess a pit/shepherd mix. He looks like a very minature akita to me though (LOL) Here is a pic of Lucky as well.

    Any other oppinions will be appreaciated.


    • Gold Top Dog
