
    • Gold Top Dog


    I don't want any bashing or ugly comments please. (I know how some of you feel about purposely breeding mixed breed dogs).
    I've been looking for a small breed dog, perferably a poodle or poodle mix for quite some time. Yesterday, I fell in love with a "Poogle". (1/2 poodle, 1/2 beagle).  I heard about this pup from someone who knows the breeder. It was one of those siutations where they thought they could make some "easy cash" out of breeding their dogs, but then realized it wasn't so easy or such a good idea. My friend knew I was looking for a poodle/mix and referred me to them. 

    Her name is Molly, she's  apricot, three months old, about 5-6 pounds. Really cute, sweet as can be and full of puppy energy, although not to the point where it's overly annoying, lol.
    I've been able to find very little about them on the internet... so I was wondering what you all knew/thought of the breed.

    Molly before her haircut, right after I got her, dirty, covered in fleas and ticks, at the breeders home.

    Molly, after her bath and haircut, sleeping... how sweet! I clipped her really short because she was covered in fleas and ticks and has a mild rash. I plan on letting her grow out more once her skin is in better shape!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Like any mix, with a "poogle" you can expect some random combination of poodle and beagle traits. The dog will probably be smart and active, but it's hard to say whether it will have the independent, follow-your-nose nature of the beagle or be little more clingy... hard to say whether it will have a houndy coat or a poodle coat or (most likely) a mix of the two.... basically if you research each breed separately look for combinations of traits or blending of traits from each breed in your mix.
    Not going to say anything ugly or bashing as you've requested, but I think with a mixed pup that comes from a breeder infested with fleas... you're going to want to be extra vigilant about any health and temperament issues that might arise.
    • Gold Top Dog
    She has the soft coat of a poodle, doesn't seem to shed (or at least not at this point) but it's not curly, it's wavy-ish.
    Right now she's pretty clingy, but she's in a new place with new people so that's liable to change.
    I do have to say, she's already taking to house-training like a champ. I got her yesterday at around  1:00 and she has yet to have an accident in the house. Which surprised me, as she had been in an outside kennel with several other dogs/puppies of various mixes.
    She's a sweet puppy.  I am going to call tomorrow and schedule her an appointment to see the vet. She's had no shots or worming as of yet.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Your baby is still....a baby.  You don't know yet whether she's going to keep the poodle coat or shed like a beagle.   Adult hair starts coming in at about 6 months of age, and continues to transition up to a year
    • Gold Top Dog
    At least maybe she probably won't have the crap disposition some of the Puggles have. [:'(]
    In general, I wish people would stop bailing out the byb's.  They need to take responsibility for their own stupidity.
    • Gold Top Dog
    People will never stop helping to bail out BYB and Puppymills becasue they show people these underfed unhealthy pups that make people feel they have to sve them, for a fee.  Or they just leave them in a box outside a shelter.  It is sickening.
    And the petshops also help greatly expecially with small dogs.  i worked at one brieffly and seen enough there to make me refuse to shop at any store that sells cat and dogs.  I watched her buy, fo 20 bucks each, a litter of yellow pups from the trunk of a car.  She took them in bathed them and sold them as pure yellow labs for 200 or something each.  So many gross things happen you would never see, that I will never trust any pet shop that sell dogs to be trustful.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Wow, that pup definately made a change! Shes adorable, and while im against Designer dogs I must admit shes gorgeous.
    Now as what to expect with this dog, you will be in for surprises because she is a mix and not a 'breed' you really cant expect a set temperment. She could either have the hunting frenzy of a beagle (which makes for a crafty escape artist who sometimes cannot be trusted off lead) or the temperment of the poodle (which if poorly bred can be a total yap hound or a snuggle bunny). Just watch her over the next couple of weeks.
    You can also help shape her temperment by enrolling her in a puppy class, and start obedience training at home asap.
    • Bronze
    Why isn't this in the "mixed breeds" section?
    Your dog is very sweet looking, and I hope she turns out to be healthy and good temperment too.  You did a great job cleaning her up.
    For your dog's sake, I hope she has no problems resulting from an unscrupulous breeding.  For other dogs sake, I wish ppl wouldn't support these "breeders".
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: spiritdogs

    At least maybe she probably won't have the crap disposition some of the Puggles have. [:'(]

    In general, I wish people would stop bailing out the byb's.  They need to take responsibility for their own stupidity.

    I agree that byb's need to take responsibility... but I can't see letting a poor puppy suffer or be thrown in the pound and put to sleep just because it was born to irresponsible breeders.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: LizzieCollie

    Wow, that pup definately made a change! Shes adorable, and while im against Designer dogs I must admit shes gorgeous.

    Thank you... she's a sweet puppy. Although it's been a long time since we had a BABY puppy around, lol.
    She is becoming quite playful, but still wants to be with us most of the time. If she gets missing, we know we can find her either under the bed or in the dirty clothes (her two favorite places to sleep if she can't get in the bed with us)
    She is taking to the house training well and is doing okay with her leash... that's about all we've worked on so far. I am going to give her a little more time to get adjusted and then start some basic puppy obedience with her.. maybe in the next week or so.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: LizzieCollie

    Wow, that pup definately made a change! Shes adorable, and while im against Designer dogs I must admit shes gorgeous.

    Now as what to expect with this dog, you will be in for surprises because she is a mix and not a 'breed' you really cant expect a set temperment. She could either have the hunting frenzy of a beagle (which makes for a crafty escape artist who sometimes cannot be trusted off lead) or the temperment of the poodle (which if poorly bred can be a total yap hound or a snuggle bunny). Just watch her over the next couple of weeks.

    You can also help shape her temperment by enrolling her in a puppy class, and start obedience training at home asap.

    Couldn't have said it better.
    • Gold Top Dog
    what's not to love :)  i am so anti breeding but a pup will get me everytime.  i would never buy from a byb but i would never bash someone's baby.  mr general public really needs an education...
    to the post about the pet shop... oh my our local shop tells how they do not use puppy mills to buy their pups...they buy from reputable breeders... yet not one breeder i have ever bought from sold to a pet shop.  sighs... and they sell those pups cause people believe they are not from unethical breeders...
    • Gold Top Dog
    She sure is a cutie pie, but I agree with Erin - you need to be extra vigilant about watching for *health issues*.  It doesn't bode well to have a dog coming right from the breeder infested with fleas. It makes me think that the breeder probably hasn't been taking very good care of the pups.


    • Gold Top Dog
    She didn't just not take good care of her pups, she didn't take care of the adults either. The poodle there was matted and nasty too... and the beagle was an "outside dog" in the lot with all the other various dogs they had.
    Molly is doing great though. She is so sweet and playful and is responsive to us now... for a while there she was just acting like she couldn't hear or ignored us. Now she comes when we call her name and understands what "aaaahhhhhtttt!" means.
    I'm very pleased with her, she's making a great addition to our family.
    • Puppy
    She is adorable! I bet she will turn out to be a wonderful pet!