Ok I would like an experts opinion

    • Bronze

    Ok I would like an experts opinion

    I have always  been asked what Breed my dog Rockey is she is a shelter rescue that was labeled as a Saint Mix in the Kennel was Adopted to me as an aussie Mix (shelter worker didn't agree with Kennel tag and they had her age wrong by 3 months) So now I have an 80lb something any guesses?

    • Bronze

    • Bronze
    side view

    • Bronze
    last 2 sorry I am not good at this

    • Gold Top Dog
    Pyranees (the color, hair, and the body shape).  I'm stumped for the other factors (dropped fringed ears, ticking, non-fading color, smaller size) - I'm leaning towards a setter of some kind.  I'd love to see her tail extended.  Actually, I'd love to see ANY more pics of her, she's just drop dead gorgeous. [:)]

    Does she have double dew claws on the back?  A really deep carrying bark?  And when she sheds, is it like an elemental force of Nature?

    If she had a "quill feather" shaped tail, that would be a dead giveaway for the setter.

     If she didn't have any setter features, I have an even crazier idea - an afghan or afghan mix (lurcher).  I have a friend who has an afghan lurcher with ears very much like that.  And the color is perfect.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Well, I don't know what she is but she's the sweetest most adorable looking dog! 
    • Bronze
    she weighs about 90 lbs right now needs to loose about 10 lbs her metabolism seemed to totally change when she hit 4 and I can not get her loose weight she does have a very deep bark. No dewclaws at all though. Being a rescue wheter they were removed before she came to me i dont know tail cairage is usually curve over her back

    • Bronze
    ignore the pinkness we were just in a parade before the pics

    • Bronze
    Well, I don't know what she is but she's the sweetest most adorable looking dog!

      she is very sweet but oh so stubborn we she was supposed to be my agility dog and obedience dog but she doesn't want to do it. We arre working on tracking and she is a certified therapy dog but we have not viisted yet
    • Bronze
    And when she sheds, is it like an elemental force of Nature?

    She always sheds  but does not "blow coat" whether that is cause she is spayed and no hormones who knows. I agree with pyr
    I found this breed at one point and thought she looked like one of them  [linkhttp://www.pyreneanmastiff.org/loq.html]http://www.pyreneanmastiff.org/loq.html[/link]   but I am sure she is just a mix
    • Gold Top Dog
    She looks a lot like a Caucasian, er, I forget what they are called, or even nuttier there's a Mongolian mastiff/herd dog she looks a lot like, but that's just fortuitous genetics going on I'm sure.

    The tail is right for a setter mix. Pyranees usually fade, but if the gene isn't there for it, that's the color they are. It's like seeing a puppy that never faded (I don't know the technical name for it). My Pyr/Maremma cross only got one of those genes and her "beaver" coloring is very strong.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Caucasian Ovtcharka? I can see it too, if that's the breed you're referring to. In the body structure and coloring.

    But since those aren't too prevalent in this country (although that would be sweet), I'm inclined to lean towards the Great Pyrenees as well. She looks like a speckled version of my uncle's Pyr. In the second picture, my first thought was that she resembled a Setter, with those ears.

    The tail carriage is really throwing me for a loop though! Then again, my rough collie carried her tail high above her back in a curl, and she was ALL collie, so crazy things happen. [:D] There's a few aspects of her that I can't firmly attribute to a specific breed, so I'm going to have to go with Brookcove here and say Great Pyrenees/Setter (maybe English?).

    She's absolutely gorgeous though, you're so lucky! [sm=wink2.gif]
    • Gold Top Dog
    There's a Hungarian herder that looks quite a bit like her.  Help--what ARE those darned things called? 
    • Gold Top Dog
    i say a polar bear and moose mix.

    I would love to snuggle up with her on a cold night...does she let you lay your head on her...that is the mark of a great dog in our house! (as determioned by my children) what a great looking dog!
    • Bronze
    LOL her nick name is moose ironic since her full name is Rockett  J Squirel. She will let your kids use her for a pillow in the winter she is to heat sensetive to let tat happen in the summer she would rather be a foot rest though