
    • Silver


    i need advice about how to make my dogs bred. pooter is almost 9 years old and won#%92t be with us much longer and I want to bred him so we can have his puppies to remember him the problem is DJ isn#%92t being cooperating.
    Everynight I put them in the guest bedroom and turn off the lights, but DJ still hasn#%92t gotten puppies yet.
     how many nights does it take to make puppies? What if Pooter gets puppies instead of DJ? Whenever him and pooter have puppies how do they decide who is the mom and who is the dad?
    • Gold Top Dog
    Ummmm, why exactly do you want to breed the dogs?  Are they both OFAed and CERFed?  Titled?  Homes lined up for all the pups?

    Which one is the boy and which is the girl? [&:]
    • Silver
    DJ is a boy and is 2 years old and pooter is an old dog and he is 9 years old.
    I want to breed them because pooter is old and will die soon and I want his puppies so i can remember him.
    I don't know what those other words mean.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm hoping for all involved that this is a troll post[&:]
    • Gold Top Dog
    If all you want is to have something to remember him by, why not have some professional photographs taken of him? You could even have an artist paint a portrait or make a sculpture of him.

    [&:] [&:] [&:]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Zinfandog, do you know two boy dogs can't have puppies?

    There are much better ways of remembering a dog than breeding them- there are enough poor homeless dogs and puppies out there already without bringing even more into the world.

    • Gold Top Dog

    ORIGINAL: Vinia

    Zinfandog, do you know two boy dogs can't have puppies?

    Whoa! I missed that part! LOL!

    • Gold Top Dog
    Zin... how old are you?
    did you totally miss the talk on the birds and bees or did your parents not tell you about that yet?
    and what about science class? dogs are mammals.... not snails. you need an X chromosome and a Y chromosome to produce puppies.
    those cost about.... oh i dont know..... $45.99 at the local pet store. look for a blue bottle with a happy face on it [8|] duh....

    sorry that wasnt nice, was it?
    • Gold Top Dog
    You crack me up!!
    That is
    Sorry to say you do need a boy and a girl dog to have puppies. I think science class would've helped[:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    i really hope they dont go out and find a girl to impregnate.... i mean seriously... do you think the dogs will be in safe hands after the info given by the OP?
    besides, with any luck the dog that old may not even be able to breed anymore anyway.

    and this reminds me of when i worked on a ranch - i have many stories of those days [8|]
    but one in particular was when the boss had some pups - dobie mixed breeds - one of his other workers had stopped by to pick out a puppy. now, this guy was only a year or two younger than me... 17 or 18 roughly... he was picking up a puppy and saying "nope that ones a girl... no.. another girl.. another girl... girl.. girl..." meanwhile i'm standing near by thinking "WTF?!? there's only TWO girls in the litter!!"
    ...he didnt know what a boy dog peepee looked like [:-]!!!!
    i mean... he HAD one himself!! but he didnt know that dogs are kinda the same as people in their private areas!!
    i felt like a weirdo explaining to him that he had just passed up several BOYS and had to explain the difference.
    i thought maybe he was just goofing off but he was genuinely SERIOUS... i went to high school with this guy! he drives a car and is walking around loose in society and that really scares me!

    • Gold Top Dog
    This is so funny-I think I need a drink.[:D][:D][:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    This is what happens when people let their children get on the internet unsupervised....or it's a very stupid joke made by a trolling adult!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm sure this is worthless to post but heck, I'll give it a shot for those who might be out there reading and do wish to breed someday.
    For educational purposes mating a dog =BREED not BRED
    You really need to do some studying on breeding before jumping into that ring. Many complications can occur in mating dogs. Because you want "Something to remember your dog by", or "experience the gift of life" or "want another dog just like him/her" is not a reason to put your dog through and possibly cost them or their pups their lives.
     Breeding is serious business and not for the faint of heart. Most ethical breeders will have spent more money then they could ever make on their dogs with health testing and maintenance. The unexpected happens, complications in gestation, birthing and after whelp to affect both dam and pups. My very good friend just lost her 4 year old bulldog because the pups she was carrying squashed a vital organ. The bitch was lost and the pups were too early to save, she paid a $1500.00 stud fee and has lost her beloved girl. The dog was in great shape, healthy and doiung just fine, accidents happen.
     If your not experienced and you are not looking to be a breeder for the long haul, health test, screen new homes, keep pups till they are at least 9 weeks old, able to afford a high quality dog food(Eagle Pack, canidea,etc) to feed mom and pups and have the ability to keep all of the pups if you do not have immediate homes for them AND the ability to take every pup you've produced back no matter what the issues might be for the life of the dog you've brought into this world....then  spay/neuter your companion and love them for the dog they are.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: amstaffy

    I'm sure this is worthless to post but heck, I'll give it a shot for those who might be out there reading and do wish to breed someday.

    You are right!  I just don't get the so called "responsible" breeder and what they contribute to JQP dog owner.  There aren't enough of their dogs.  Their dogs don't make it to the general population.  They judge other breeders ethics.  They don't really significantly improve the breed only their personal preferences.  They make themselves not a choice to JQP and then criticize JQP for not getting their family pet from one of them.  They seem to want to be an oligarchy. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    You are right! I just don't get the so called "responsible" breeder and what they contribute to JQP dog owner. There aren't enough of their dogs. Their dogs don't make it to the general population. They judge other breeders ethics. They don't really significantly improve the breed only their personal preferences. They make themselves not a choice to JQP and then criticize JQP for not getting their family pet from one of them. They seem to want to be an oligarchy.

    Um, wow, that's got to be one of the most offensive things I've read here in a long time. 

    "They don't really significantly improve the breed only their personal preferences." 
    Sounds like you've met and have relationships with a lot of good breeder, huh? [8|]

    "Their aren't enough of their dogs."  um, jigga-wha!?!?!?!??!  You're going to have to elaborate on that one!!

    You've already stated in other threads that b/c some breeders are bad/unethical, then you assume they are all bad/unethical.  So then is it fair for me to assume that b/c some rescues are nothing more than animal hoarders who neglect their pets worst than a lot of people being prosecuted for animal cruelty, that ALL rescuers should be considered bad b/c of the sins of a few?  Makes so much sense, huh....