basset hounds

    • Bronze

    basset hounds

    who else loves bassets as much as i do? if so tell what you like and what kind of dog(s) you have.
    • Silver
    Years ago, when I had my bearded collie, Sam, we lived very close to a lady with a basset.  The dogs got to be friends and it got so every time we walked by her place with Sam, taking him for his after-dinner walk, the basset would start howling and baying - and you know how loud that is.  So, she'd have to bring him out to come for a run with Sam in the empty field near by.
    The dogs would run and play and kill any cardboard they found and have a great time.  Time to go home, we'd call Sam and he'd come running, but Spike, the basset, a 2-time obedience class failure, was following his nose and totally ignoring his owner.  So we'd send Sam out to get him.  The basset's owner used to say if Sam could herd a basset, he could herd anything!  That basset was more fun than a barrel of monkeys!
    • Silver
    I like em. My basset half-breed died back in September but I loved her so much. She was so stubborn some times but still so sweet and loving.

    I liked her long soft ears and her elegant nose shape and teh way she would bark at wild animals. I also loved her playful ness but I guess any breed is playful, hehe. I liked how she was willing to do almost anything i asked even if it was scary, like crossing over bridges or walking through small creeks when hiking.

    Now I have a Golden/husky mix and plan to get a mixbreed puppy in a few months.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I love Bassets![:)]  I had one for many, many years, she passed about a year and a half ago at age 12 from cancer.  She was a great dog and even competed in obedience.
    I have a Chow Chow, Yorkie and a Poodle/Chi mix now[:)]
    • Bronze
    aww. mine is only a year and 3 months so he is still young and "spunky". He dosent bay as much as i thought he would.. he only does it if i egg him on to do it by howling myself.. i do get ignored when i call him but other then that he is a very loving and affectionate little man.

    im sorry grab01, my boyfriend's basset is going on 12. the only thing that has gone wrong with him is he has had to get arthritis medicine for his back... poor freckles..

    im also sorry to you too Kydafett. i love bogart's ears too.. long and silky. good luck to you and your new puppy and current companions.. :)

    walking lady, my basset thinks he and my little chihuahua  are best friends; however, my chihuahua thinks otherwise. i think it is the age diff. he is 6 and he is like i said before a little over one. bogart wants to play and all tater wants to do is sleep..

    anyways here are a few pics of my two doggies..

    Sir Humphrey Bogart

      Tater {tot}