Rambling about [Misha's] mixed breeds...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Rambling about [Misha's] mixed breeds...

    Well, the other day I was looking at pictures of Cadis, a GSD/Border Collie cross owned by k.m.a. Especially this picture:  (He's adorable, by the way.)

    And when I was told about Misha's father it bounced back and forth between Chow/Aussie and Chow/GSD. I'm thinking Misha's got GSD instead of Aussie. There is no real point to this post. Thought I'd share my mind ramblings.
    • Gold Top Dog
    i wanna see more pics of him!! [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Of the Misha-dog? I'll have to get some more uploaded. Then I'll add them.
    • Gold Top Dog
    cool! i love the sig, and he looks like a very interesting mix, but i have yet to see him full bodied  lol
    • Gold Top Dog

    I posted this one in the Photos for Sharing section - but it is so hard to get a full body shot of him. I'll try to take pictures of him before I leave for school on Sunday. And then I'll add more when he goes to GA next weekend, but I'll put those in Photos for Sharing.
    • Gold Top Dog
    cool lol he looks like a dog i once drew in photoshop

    when i was a kid i had a dog that looked like yours, only he was slightly more wolfy in the face. he was a gsd/huskyXchow.. he looked like an orange wolf... he's the dog i told you about that my brother took to the pound when i was away for the summer... so i have a slight obsession with dogs of this colour. i swear one day i'm going to find that dog again.
    • Gold Top Dog
    He looks a lot like my Grandma's dog...at least he would if Eddie wasn't so gosh darn fat...  The face is quite similar,and the body shape probably would be as well if the Edster lost a few pounds.  He's also got long fur but is shaved.

    Eddie's a 'Golden/Husky' according to the rescue he came from...but I'd bet my life he's more like a Golden/Chow.  That muzzle is far too characteristic.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Niki i agree. when i saw the picture, before reading what the rescue claimed he was .. i saw Chow Chow lol especially in the first picture!