Breed question

    • Bronze

    Breed question

    Hi there,

    This is my first post.

    On July 14th, we adopted Stanley from a shelter. Stanley is 6 months old and about 40lbs. They think he's an Irish Setter mix, but I'm curious what he's mixed with. His brother looked more like a lab or golden retriever, but look at his markings, especially on his face. He has a silky cost, curled up tail, webbed feet, and the sweetest demeanor.

    Any ideas?
    • Gold Top Dog
    Hard to tell from the pics...but he is BRINDLE correct? Red Brindle like this but with a long coat...

    • Gold Top Dog
    If he is brindle...then one or both of his parents was brindle in color or both carried brindle in their genes..that's pretty much the only way he'd come up brindle. I am not sure as to coat length...perhaps someone here would be able to clarify...
    In thinking of gundog types that come in brindle...I'm drawing a blank.
    • Bronze
    Yes, that is correct. His ears have a slight kink to them, especially when wet.
    And if it means anything, he points--as much as he can with a curled tail[:)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I really don't have any idea, but he's a very handsome dog.
    • Gold Top Dog
    First off...more than 2 breeds almost for sure.
    That being said my guess is Boxer x Golden x Labrador. Meaning one or both parents was a mix of AT LEAST these 3 breeds.

    ETA: the lab/golden is probably self explanatory...BUT FOR the color and pattern he's look very like a Lab Golden mix. The markings, bit of stoutness to the body and coloring, and tail point me to Boxer. Boxer with tails left on often carry them in "unique" ways including curly to various extents.

    • Bronze
    Why thank you, we think he is, too:) We spent months looking at purebred dogs then found him on and just fell in love. He's just so sweet and loving. I'm at work right now and have to admit I'm missing him just talking about him.:)
    • Gold Top Dog
    Oh yes...littermates can have totally different sires so there's a possible explanation. The common denominator between him and bro seems like the gundog look...but if his Momma was a Gundog or mix thereof that was caught by a couple of different being a Boxer or Boxer mix...there ya go!
    I'm guessing that you/the shelter...did not see Mom?
    • Bronze
    No one saw the momma and all the siblings looked different. They even thought the mom could have been pregnant to two different dogs. I've heard of that happening in cats, but not dogs.
    • Gold Top Dog
    yep sure can happen...more than 2 sires is possible even, if the dam releases a bunch of eggs and has  aconga line following her!
    Amazing critters, dogs!
    • Gold Top Dog
    You know, I was looking at Cardigan Corgi's for someone else looking for breeds in their dogs, and I found some Brindle Corgi's. So maybe there's Corgi in your dog?  The face isn't a Boxer face, but that doesn't mean there's not Boxer in him. Here's some Brindle Corgi pictures from a breeders website.
    • Gold Top Dog
    he looks like a dog that a friend of mine owned when we were kids. his dog was a mix of mixes...the mom was shepherd/collie/chow(her mom was a shepherd and the dad was the chow/collie mix, i think) and the pup's dad was... the good Lord only knows... the pups were all kinds of different colours. we know one dad for sure was a springer spaniel....
    but where we lived when i was a kid there were all kinds of mutts running around loose and doing their thing in the streets [8|]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Cardis do come in brindle, but straying intact Cardis are pretty darn unusual  The Cardi traits of the very heavy bone, square muzzle, and bowed legs seem pretty prepotent. I think boxer or pit is much more like than Cardigan Corgi.