Coowner ship questions....

    • Bronze

    Coowner ship questions....

    I am expecting my Golden (breeder charges the same for show or pet quality dogs she places) any day from a reputable breeder in the midwest. The breeder had picked out a female for me but after the Stud breeder picked her 3 she told my breeder that my pup is the female pick of the litter and should be in the ring as a show dog.

    NOW my breeder is asking me if I will consider showing her. Since the contract is Co-ownership of the pup, what are my options. I do not know anything about showing a dog...What is the cost to me?? I know I will have to maintain her coat and not spay her.

    I am sure she will be away from me on the show circiut ...but how many weeks, months is that??? Will I be financially responsible for ei...handling fees, transport fees, registration fees??? Or will this be on my breeder.

    I really don't feel that I am qualified to give approval for this without some information. Shouldn't I get some money back if I have to do certain things to make sure she is show qualitity.???

    ANY help you can give me will be greatly appreciated...THANKYOU...Mary
    • Gold Top Dog
    I think these are good questions for your breeder.  Every breeder is different in terms of expectations.  This is also a great chance to use your breeder as a resource for other things as well.
    • Puppy
    Just my own and personal opinion...
    I've co-owned a dog before and it was a very unpleasant experience. the dog lived with me and as I got attached with her with the time dealing witg the co-owners become more and more difficult because sometimes the desicions impact in your way or living or in the thw wellfare of the dog. Unless the other person is your partner and you plan to make a team with him/her I would recommend you to think two, three and four time the reasons why you are choosing to co-own a dog and not to have one on your own.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I agree, I'd ask the breeder all those questions. If you have no interest in showing though, I would not agree to show the dog. For me personally that sounds like way too much to consider, and I wouldn't want to deal with it. Is she saying she doesn't want to sell you the dog now unless you agree to show it?
    • Gold Top Dog
    definitely these are things the breeder needs to discuss with you. Every one is different. SO many variables could be in play. I have co owned happily a couple of times and not so happily another time. After showing can come breeding and there's also that to discuss...what if your pup is that breeder's "one" and goes on to BIS's and such? All things that should be considered...but really, only you two know what each of you is willing and able to do. Showing can be fun for some folks who never thought they'd like it...and it's not fun for others. There IS expense and travel involved and training too...just as an at least Goldens are a VERY hard to finish breed simply because majors are hard to find as you need like over TWENTY to make them up! So it could take a bit....
    As to the pick now being a show pup instead of a pet?
    Puppies grow and change and often right up to and beyond 8 week you still only sort of know. Unless the pup is a huge stand out...would that that happened often lol.
    Things like this are why I don't even take deposits until they're close to 8 weeks and then all parties know I have final say in who's what and their deposit is returnable if things don't work out. I always have referrals handy anyhow.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I co-own my Toller, and although she's still a puppy and I've only had her a month, I haven't had any issues. I have to follow a few basic rules regarding diet and vaccines, but that's pretty much it. That being said, I wanted a show potential pup. The rest of your questions are things you'll have to ask your breeder. Those will differ from breeder to breeder, contract to contract.
    • Gold Top Dog
    What ever you do, get is specifically in writing.  There is also a chance that breeding rights are involved get those defined with who pays for what, what is the window for breeding etc.
    Some folks allow for a training period for the show ring then a curb side pick up, some dont.  Define who pays the show costs or how they are divided.
    The other thing, some times pick of the litter doesnt turn out the way expected, what happens then?
    • Bronze
    Co/owning is not always easy .You will probable be the one to
    foot all the expencise and most of the time they will want puppys back
    and it will be there pick of the stud dog and you pay all cost stud fee ,shipping fees
    so be sure you ask quistions and make sure everything is in writing read very carefully before you sign
    and besure to have her send you a copy before you get the puppy so you can besure this is what
    you want to do before getting the puppy.Handlers our not cheap if you choose to go ahead
    with it maybe you could take handling lessons and show the dog your self it's not hard and its lots of fun
    you'll be hooked the first blue ribbon you win   Katy
    • Puppy
    I would like to add that i've been on the other end too. I gave a full trained dog to a person who wanted to learn agility, but as I've worked with this dog in TV I did it with the condition that if we were called he should let me use the dog. Everything went fine but I know that he is alredy fed up with me taking the dog to film so I decided to stop here and fully give him the dog, he had been good with me and with the dog and he deserves to enjoy her as much as he want without me knocking at his door. From him I know too that this kind of relationships can be tiring with time.