Labradoodle for first-time dog owner?

    • Bronze

    Labradoodle for first-time dog owner?

    There is a two-year-old labradoodle available at my local vet's. I would like to give my parents a dog, since they watched mine for 6 weeks and got very attached to her. Do you think this breed would be a good match for them? My own dog, a basset/golden mix, weighs 40 pounds, is energetic and needy, playful, with a sweet, yet possesive/overprotective temperament.

    Thanks for any advice you can give me!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Ask your parents first,  let them make the decision.  Help your parents develop a list of questions they would like answered to help make the decision.  As to will the dog work as a pet, it has more to do with the committment of the owners and the temperment of the individual dog, than the breed (or combination of breeds)
    • Bronze
    ORIGINAL: mrv
    Ask your parents first, let them make the decision. Help your parents develop a list of questions they would like answered to help make the decision. As to will the dog work as a pet, it has more to do with the committment of the owners and the temperment of the individual dog, than the breed (or combination of breeds)

    In terms of commitment--my parents are wonderful dog caretakers! They walk 2 miles a day and are very devoted; they spend a lot of time with my dog and give her loads of attention. But I understand what you're saying. I need to meet the dog.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Actually, I am thinking about life style as well.  If they value their ability to take off and go when and where they please, you need to make sure they really want to add the responsibility of a dog to their lives.  Taking care of one dog for 6 weeks is very different from a multiple year committment.
    Just check with them first.
    • Bronze
    I just emailed my mom. I so wanted this to be a surprise (and I know she'll say no...), but you're right, it's better to ask.
    • Gold Top Dog
    you're a good daughter..
    • Bronze
    :) Thanks. Keep your fingers crossed for her to say yes!
    • Gold Top Dog
    You are doing the right thing by asking her first. As much as I love dogs, I would be mad if someone gave me a dog as a surprise gift. It is a very personal choice and I'd want to pick a dog that I had a connection with - especially since it's not the kind of gift you can take back or exchange. Good luck, and I hope she says yes too.
    • Bronze
    You may thikk me to be an AKC snob, but, there is no such thing as a labradoodle. The correct term is MUTT.
    • Gold Top Dog
    we're all aware of that fooper, it has been one heated debate after the other. but in reality.. ALL dogs are mutts and mixed breeds.
    some are just older than others.
    and besides... these dogs are available at the vet so i'm guessing they're rescues up for adoption in the main office. it isnt like there is a breeder that will profit...

    now if it was me.... i've been on the receiving end of this... my grandmother gave me a dog she rescued from some neglectful people. i was stoked to have him because i was a kid.. but my mom was royally cheesed off about it.
    it was really shady how my grandmother did it too... she lied and said "We're going out of town,will you watch Reggie for us?"
    she left her other big dog - a rotti mix with one daughter and her two little hosue dogs with another daughter and neighbours were feeding the cat - it didnt occur to me or my mom that something was fishy.. Reggie could have gone to stay with the big dog at my aunt's.. they got along great.. after the vacation was over no one came to get Reggie... two weeks passed and i asked my grandmother when she was coming to get him. all she did was smirk and say "He's YOUR dog now!"
    i never saw my mom get so mad about anything as she did over that! i didnt care because i liked Reggie lol
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: fooper

    You may thikk me to be an AKC snob, but, there is no such thing as a labradoodle. The correct term is MUTT.

    I'm sure the OP is aware.  And, it isn't as if she's going out to buy one.  This is a rescue/rehome dog, and I suspect she was just telling us the combo to see what we thought about it as an appropriate mix for her parents.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I think you did the right thing by asking your parents first. Good Luck [:D]. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: spiritdogs

    ORIGINAL: fooper

    You may thikk me to be an AKC snob, but, there is no such thing as a labradoodle. The correct term is MUTT.

    I'm sure the OP is aware.  And, it isn't as if she's going out to buy one.  This is a rescue/rehome dog, and I suspect she was just telling us the combo to see what we thought about it as an appropriate mix for her parents.

    She did ask what we thought of that "breed" in her first post. So she may or may not realize that it's a mix.