Catahoula and ?

    • Silver

    Catahoula and ?

    Here's a pic of my catahoula mix. Curious as to what you think he is mixed with. Its hard to see in the pic, but his body is shaped like a catahoula, but I think theres something in his face that's different.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Do you know for sure about the Catahoula? CT seems like an odd place for a Cat to turn up and sire mixed breed pups. The coloring and ears look right - if such a pup turned up around here I'd say Border Collie/Cat in a heartbeat. We get them pretty often.

    Otherwise I'd be tempted to go with a hound of some kind and a Border Collie. There's a bunch of Border Collies in CT with that super extended tri/sable coloring. He looks a lot like my friend's Walker/Border Collie cross (known parents).
    • Silver
    We actually got him from a rescue group in TN, and had him flown here. But you're right, noone around here has even heard of a Catahoula. His foster mother told me that he was a beagle/hound mix. But when we actually got him, his vet papers said catahoula/mix. The vet here said he saw no beagle in him at all, and since he is almost 30 lbs at 4 months, I have to agree. Definitely shows herding behavior!
    • Gold Top Dog
    He could definitely be BC/Catahoula then! I see a whole lot of BC, honestly, in spite of the wacky color, lol. Should be interesting to see what he looks like all grown up.

    You are in a terrific area to explore his herding side. If he turns out really BCish, Carol Campion in, er, somwhere in CT, is someone I'd love to be close to, to take lessons from, and there's all sorts of other folks up there, too. You'd look into that right about at his one year birthday, although if you got a chance to take him to a fun day or something once he's five or six months old or more, it would still be fun.

    Besides that, you'll have lots of fun if you are ready to be kept on your toes!
    • Silver
    I never would have even thought of BC! At least now I have a name that people around here will recognize! He's a Border Collie/Cattledog mix. Most people ask me if he's a St Bernard! LOL!
    • Silver
    I thought St. Bernard when I saw him. 
    • Silver
    The coloring on his face does look St Bernard, and especially when he was a little younger (the pic in my avatar). I just laugh because we had him flown in from out of state and dh was very leary of getting a dog before meeting him first. (I had to put on my pout face). We quickly realized he wasn't the little beagle mix we were expecting, and whenever anyone said he looked like a St. Bernard, my dh would get this terrified look on his face!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Cats are cur dogs, which means there's a touch of mastiff in them, so there's your Saint Bernard resemblance when you add that coloring. But Saints are not that actual color - it's a totally different set of genetics.

    So your dh can rest easy, lol.

    I bet he's going to be a lot of fun!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Sometimes there's more than one breed in there.  Catahoulas from TN would come into contact with hounds, feists, or herders maybe.