have u heard of this breed

    • Silver
    He doesn't play patty cake but that doesn't mean he can't. He's very smart. His name is Shade and he is eleven.
    • Gold Top Dog
    We used to have a Skiperke at our dog park. Man could that dog run! He had the blackest, shiniest coat I ever saw. He came for a long time and then started running off. ( the park was not totally fenced) He always made it back home, but to owner nearly died worrying about him. From what the owner told me, the breed was used on ships to help control the vermin - true?
    • Gold Top Dog
    Yes, I know the breed; can't spell it, but do know what they are.  Belgian dock dogs.  I believe in Europe the breed club puts them in with the Belgians.  I saw a news letter from a club once and it had the 4 Belgians and a Skip on it.  I think it would be fun to have a Groenedale(sp?) and a Skip.
    • Gold Top Dog
    My great-aunts had nothing but schipperkes for many years. (I can't spell it either!) Sadly all of theirs were spoiled beyond rotten and were nasty, snappy, growly little dogs. Very cute, though!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I've only met one Schipperkee and really liked him. For a small dog he was very sturdy and he also was a very healthy dog.
    • Silver
    Yeah I read that in a book.
    People also used to carry them around as fashion.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have met two from two different states.  One was very growly and untrustworthy.  It would snap at you, unconditionally.  When the dog was behaving the owner would correct it, just out of habit, although at that particular time that dog was exhibiting the "good" behavior!  So, I attribute that dogs "bad" personality with a goofy owner.
    The 2nd one I met, was directed to the opposite side of the road we were walking, each time I met them.  So, other than not wanting to socialize, really could not judge what that dog's manner would be like.
    Snappy growly, unfriendly type dogs may have predisposition to better behaviors, but what the owner does with them is going to be crucial in how that dogs behaviors will mature, improve.    Little dogs seem to get less teaching and too much of the wrong kinds of reinforcement.  
    Doesn't matter the size or other things about your dog, proper social behavior needs working at so that they will be well adjusted.    I think that skiperke is a cute looking little dog.  I am sure they are very trainable as they seem observant and sharp. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    I can spell it - the right spelling is schipperke
    We had one at our old training class.  It wasn't a very nice dog, but I think that was because it badly needed some training!