have u heard of this breed

    • Silver

    have u heard of this breed

    My dog is a skipperke.[sm=wink3.gif] Which is great, but no one has ever heard of that breed. When people ask what he is they go "skipper-what". Some people say he looks like a pig. There aren't any pics of skipperkes! I have to draw pics of him.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Here is a link full of images of schipperke.  They are cute little dogs.  I see a few around here, but not many.  But, I don't see how someone thinks they look like pigs???
    • Silver
    I can't believe anyone would think a schipperke looks like a pig!!!  I got to know the breed a bit years ago because a very popular (and good) handler in the area bred them.  Very cute little guys - don't know why there's not more of them.
    • Silver
    yeah well it's mostly my friends
    • Silver
    they're from Belgium
    • Gold Top Dog
    A guy I work with had 2 so I'm familiar with them a bit.  (the male recently go hit by a car though)  The female is a bit neurotic but I chalk that up to lack of training.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I absolutely love these dogs.  My grandma has had two.  Her first succombed to cancer, and now she's got Zorra.  She's a funny dog, she'll play in the morning for about 10 to 15 minutes, then be set for the rest of the day. 
    Does your dog patty cake when it wants something?  Both of my grandma's dogs did/do this.  And they like to smile.  Nothing like seeing a pearly white smile shining through black fur. 
    How old is he/she?  What's his/her name?  Here are some more pictures and good info (if you haven't seen it already)
    There is a picture of a 40lb male among them.  And when the standard is 12-18lbs that is very sad.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I like them, although I saw a picture from a really old dog book a while back with one in it, and I have to say, I prefer the way they used to look. They're still very cute, though! I don't understand how someone could think they look like a pig, that just doesn't make sense to me.
    • Silver
    I had never heard of them until I started coming to this board. I saw one in person a few weeks ago at my local AC facility. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    I love Schipperkes!!!  Never had one myself, but I used to want one really bad when I was little.
    • Gold Top Dog
    One of few small dog breeds I really love.  An acquaintance of mine has one and it's really good at agility.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Our dog trainer lady has 2 of them. Very cute, smart little dogs. They've always looked like tail-less black foxes to me.
    • Gold Top Dog
    DS#1's best friend has two dogs--a Westie and a Skiperke.  They are a hoot--they tear through the house together.  The cats all head for the hills when Molly and Obie race around!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have to admit- they're a breed I can't STAND. :P Not in any bad way- I mean, I don't hate them, and they're very cute- they havea lot of the physical traits I love in dogs (small/medium size, double coat, pointy ears, bunnybutt) but there's just something about their personalities that turns me off! I really want to love them but they just don't click with me. It's one of those funny things! I looked very seriously into them when I was first choosing a dog breed (it came down to Schipps, corgis, and Eskies)- and I just don't click with Schipperkes! 
    • Gold Top Dog
    They are wonderful little dogs, my aunt has one named charlotte and I have a neighbor with one as well. I personally love their personality and have considered getting one in future when I'm able to get a bigger house.