Pit Bull/Pit Mixes

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pit Bull/Pit Mixes

    So my fiance and I have been looking for awhile now for another companion for us and for our current dog. I found the cutest dog ever at one of our local shelters, the only thing is he's a pit bull mix. I decided to read up on the pit bull breed before I even considered going down there to look at him. I read that pit bulls can be aggressive toward other animals, even dogs. Can anyone shed more light on this? This makes me nervous, especially with already having a dog in the household, I would hate for them to get into a fight while no one was home and have Maggie hurt do to it. Any advice or more information from people who know the breed well would be helpful.
    • Gold Top Dog
    There are lots of pit bull parents on this forum that will be able to help you a little better than myself, but I know there are pit bulls that do just fine with other dogs.  However, a good deal of pit bulls develop dog aggression when they reach maturity, which can be as late as 2 years.  How old is the dog you're looking at?  Talk with shelter staff and ask if he's been tested with other dogs.  It's entirely likely that he IS fine with other dogs and if he's over 2 he will likely stay that way.  As with any dog you want to take precautions and supervise interactions between your current dog and the new one quite closely, especially in the beginning.

    ETA:  While away from home, I recommend crating at least one of the dogs if there is any concern over potential issues.  If they're in crates there's no way for them to get into a fight you won't be able to control [:)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    He's just 10 months old and as cute as a button, but I read dog aggression can come out anywhere between 2-7 years of age in pit bulls. I frequent the dog parks alot as well with my current dog, and I want my new dog to be able to come everywhere with us as well, so maybe a pit bull will not be a good fit to add to the family.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I think pit bulls are awesome dogs, but given your situation, I'd suggest that you not adopt this puppy.  At 10 months of age, you really have no idea how he'll be with other dogs once he matures.  Since dog aggression can "turn on" in pit bulls quite suddenly as they get older, you could easily find yourself with a dog you've grown to love, but who isn't able to be the companion you wanted.  I know that many pit bull owners and advocates believe that pits and pit mixes shouldn't be taken to dog parks or be allowed to freely interact with other dogs off-leash, just in case.  If you want to feel confident taking your dog with you to dog parks and trusting him with your current dog, I'd definitely recommend avoiding breeds that tend toward dog aggression.  Pit bulls are some of the cutest, sweetest dogs around, in my opinion, but they're not right for everyone.  And that's okay.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Thank you.
    I'd rather hear that now than rescue a pitbull from the shelter and in a few years from now have him turn on my dog or another dog somewhere. I feel bad that this poor guy is so playful and fun, and he's been at the shelter since March this year. I think I am going to sponsor him instead in hopes he will get adopted by another loving family.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: jennyx0023

    I think I am going to sponsor him instead in hopes he will get adopted by another loving family.

    That is a wonderful idea...kudos to you [:)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I, too, think its a great idea to sponsor this dog.

    With pit bulls, dog aggression can surface at any age, usually between 2-3 years. It is highly recommended that you do NOT take pit bulls to dog parks, as there are plenty of other ways to safely socialize your dog. One reason is due to the dog aggression that is often present in pits, but another is that regardless of what happens or how a confrontation plays out (ie. another dog starts with your pit bull), the reality is that the pit will be blamed, thus worsening their reputation, and the breed just can't afford it.

    Further, unless you are ready to crate and rotate if your dogs do not get along, then I would not recommend a 2 dog home, for fear that they may not get along in the future. It can work, just with careful supervision and appropriate confinement.

    Also, I wouldn't recommned leaving dogs alone, unsupervised. Not any dogs, and especially not a pit and another dog. You never know what can happen, and its probably best that they are safe in their own crates when not under supervision. Additionally, it is safer for the dogs individually, as they won't get into anything dangerous while your gone.

    I will end by saying that pit bulls are wonderful, terrific dogs that generally have phenomenal temperaments. Dog aggression is an ugly reality that most pit bull owners bite the bullet on, because the positives far outweigh the "negatives".
    • Gold Top Dog
    I totally agree with Alieliza.  Pitties are great dogs in many ways but they MUST be socialized at an early age.  I have two and they get along great but they are never left alone together.  I cannot take that risk.  Sponser him if you can and good luck!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Thanks everyone for their honest opinions!!