Color Disqualifications

    • Gold Top Dog
    "Jumping bean on speed." [:D]
    • Puppy
    mini schnauzer club is having a tizzy with the AKC over the AKC adding unapproved colors to the registration boxes
    like white, pi-bald,liver ,tan, chocolate and silver. ect .


    BTW the "silver" labs have been traced back to weimaraner  in the line. and if you look at them you can see the mix,
    most of the white schnauzers in the US are westie out crosses(white is exceptable in Europe) and the pie-bald ones have shi-tzu, or wire fox terrier in them .

    as for as the WHITE issue
    or breding merels ,double merels, ect.  white is on a gene that carries health issuers
     in many breeds  it has been a visual representation of other problems example are white aussies that are blind or deaf, boxers that are deaf, dobes that are deaf or blind  and colors being bred for the sole purpose of making money .
     that is my issue with whites  breeders need to stick to the standard do the health screenings
    an look out for the constancy and health of their breed.
    • Gold Top Dog
    white is on a gene that carries health issuers

    Well, not precisely. There are different white factoring genetics and there's only one that is directly implicated in health problems (albinism). And heterozygous merle can be bred till the cows come home with NO ill effect at all.

    But I know what you are saying. Breeders should be knowlegeable about how the choices they make add to both the health of their lines and the overall soundness of their breeds - sometimes that includes taking color into account.
    • Puppy
    Siberians are what USED to be the Alaskans but as with most registered breeds, have had a set standard, pretty coats, and have been made smaller. the Alaskan was born out of necessity.. they arent typically sought out as pets.

    If I'm correct, a sled dog should be small if they want to make it.  As a bigger dog doesnt necessarily mean bigger lungs, but it does mean more weight to carry.  A Siberian's standard asks for the dog to be bred so it can do it's work, and  there is special emphasis on correct movement.  And worth mentioning is that there are many dual-purpose Siberians, ones that can be put in harness, then right back into the show ring and do great under both activities.  Many kennels both run their dogs and show their dogs, a few Sibe kennels off the top of my head are Demavand, Kaliya, Highlander, Snowborn, Tasman.  Also Karen Ramstead and other full Sibe teams have run the Iditarod.  So, yes, Siberians CAN do the job.  And if they're not enough "work-y" for you, there are the Seppalas, also a purebred, much more stable temperaments than Alaskans methinks!
    Just my 2c worth :)
    PS. since Alaskans are so similar in looks to a Siberian, I'm 100% sure you can selectively breed very good working Siberian - and he'd be pureberd!
    If all the working dogs needed to be mixed with something else to be able to fully do it's job properly, why was that breed developed anyway if you can just throw a bunch of other dogs together to create the perfect working mutt.