
    • Bronze


    Who in here owns Chihuahua's?
    • Gold Top Dog
    Me!!  We rescued 2 of them - a male (Butchie) and a female (Belle).

    • Bronze
    Awesome I love Chihuahua's.  Anyone else have a Chihuahua?
    • Gold Top Dog
    I dont personally own a Chihuahua but...
    My grandmother just got a Chi!  It was found starving and dehydrated at a chicken house.  This woman kept it and rehydrated it and took care of it for a couple weeks but she could not keep it because she already had too many dogs and she told my grandmother she was looking for a good home for it and my grandmother took it!  She is about a year old and she is a chocolate brown color.  She is really pretty!
    However...I would definatly like to own a Chi some day!
    Oh yeah and do you want to know something funny?  One of your Chis name is Chico right?  Well my grandmother named hers Chica!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Otto the chizilla present and accounted for!!!! :)