Plese can you tell me what breed this could be

    • Bronze

    Plese can you tell me what breed this could be

    Hi All, we picked up this little cutie yesterday from the dog pound and we were just wondering what breed it could be, we think its a cross between a german shepherd and a belgian shepard but who knows???
    Matthew And Marta

    • Gold Top Dog
    It does look like she's got some Shepherd (GSD to be exact) in her.
    • Gold Top Dog
    If there is belgian in there, it is pretty well buried... that looks gsd cross to me. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    My guess would be lab/GSD. I saw a very cute and smart 11 week old puppy at the vet's office that looked quite similar. The owner knew he was lab/GSD.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'd guess shepherd x lab, too.  His ears look very "labby."  Cute little guy!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I think you have what my Scottish friends would call a wee broon dug. Maybe not so "wee" in a few months, of course. He looks pretty typical of multiple random crossbreeding - his looks could really come from most anything at this point. The nice thing of course is that average looks also usually come with average health, average temperament, and average activity level. Basically your perfect trouble free companion dog. There are expections, of course, but I'd be willing to bet money on his growing up to be a very nice dog.

    Enjoy your Broon Dug! He looks like he'll be fun!
    • Bronze
    Heres Some updated pics of Nala, She is now 3.5months old and 7.10kilos and very inteligent, any more guesses on what breed???

    • Gold Top Dog
    Certainly a GSD X...though with what, who knows?  She's adorable though [:)]

    I have to say I really really adore those pawprints on the pants [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    German Shepherd mix definately. Here's a ;pic of my Rio when he was a puppy for comparisson. I was going to attach a more current one, this is when I first brought him home at 9 weeks, but all my files are too large. I've tried re-sizing them but it ain't working, so I give up. But now he's got a lot less black on him.


    • Gold Top Dog
    i say GSD and Dobie... i have a photo sitting next to me of a dog i had when i was a kid. his dad was pure doberman, and his mom was a shepherd/collie mix(parents belonged to friends) and that little girl looks a LOT like my dog did.. only fuzzier.. which is why i think maybe the Shepherd was the more dominant breed in the mix. i wish my scanner was working..i would show you my dog and compare the two.