Labrador questions??

    • Gold Top Dog

    Labrador questions??

    We have an have an opportunity to have a pure breed Lab. who's mother died after giving birth. We have never had a Lab before so we know nothing about them. If any of you have one or has had one or knows about them could you please share?
    Thanks, Tammy
    • Silver
    You are in for a treat!  I have two.  Although you might have a set of challenges because the mother died.  Pups learn a whole lot from Mom.  There is a great discussion from lab owners on page two of the Breeds discussion threre about 30 posts and pics.  I suggest you read through the comments.  Personally, labs are my favorite breed but I am a bit biased [:D]
    The first year or two you will be in for a challenge though- they chew, dig, jump and are generally a bit 65 poundish ball of energy.  After the year mark, they mellow quite a bit and mellow again after 3- If you have put in the effort to properly train and exercise you lab, you will have the perfect family companion!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Labs are wonderful high energy dogs! If you have never had one before I suggest you start to look for a good dog trainer to assist you. They stay puppies for a LONG time. I like to say they make good three year olds.

    I have a 4 year old lab. She is WONDERFUL, but she required a lot of exercise, training, activities to keep her mentally stimulated and out of trouble. As tough as they are as a pup (a good tough) they turn that into stubborn loyalty toward you! They will do anything for you.

    I have been told the "english" version are more level less energy than the American field version. I have had both. My english lab was a workaholic so for all I know that is why she was "easier". She was ALWAYS doing a "job". Even on her own.

    Enjoy your lab and I want to hear all about it, color, sex, stories! I love labs (and goldens) I will have at least one of each for the rest of my life!
    • Silver
    Oooooh! You REALLY are in for a treat!! Labs are the most loving, affectionate, funny dogs!! You won't be sorry!! We'll want to see pics!!!

    **Edited because I was SO excited about the new lab that I couldn't gather my thoughts correctly!**
    • Gold Top Dog
    Labs are AWESOME.  As others have said, however, they often require a lot of training and exercise in order to stay stimulated, fit and happy.
    I have a 2-year-old who is most definitely still a puppy.  He does fine at home alone all day, but I put in a good hour before and after work exercising and playing with him so that he's sufficiently tired [:)].  Overall, Labs are wonderful, sweet dogs who really love their owners (and just about everybody and everything they meet).  You're in for a treat!
    p.s. I second the request for pics!
    • Silver
    I also just wanted to add that I don't have any dogs but I'm thinking of adopting a Lab from my local Lab Rescue. However, I was raised around Labs and know alot of Labs now. My boyfriend's mom had a Lab, Shane,  who lived to be 16 and they had to get him PTS last year. She now has a female Black Lab, Maggie,  who is almost 2 years old. My boyfriend's sister has a male yellow Lab named Luke and her boyfriend has 4 chocolate Labs named Cletus, Sadie, and their sons Jr. and Bear. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    I wanted to let you know a little more about this story. The mom had 13 puppies............6 died at birth that left 7. One died after it was sent that left 6. 2 of them got  sick and died and that left 4. The couple that had them couldn't take anymore of the loss (loosing the mamma that they had since it was little and the puppies) that they decide to find homes for them. They found 2 homes and this week I am puppy sitting for them (which I have 2 of them). They are only 3 weeks old. Here are some pictures: The one picture with the bigger dog it's our dog.

    Thanks, Tammy

    • Silver
    Awww, they look healthy!! Is your dog a purebred black lab or a mix? Looks like he/she could be mixed with something. Golden Retriever maybe the way his/her coat looks. Shane, the 16 y/o that had to be PTS, looked similar. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    All labs are different, really. But they can get to be really impolite and unpleasent dogs (jumping, a TON of barking, running away, pulling HARD on the leash, etc.) So you need to start training right when you get him (12-15 weeks). If trained right, they can be great dogs to have!
    They're rather hyper and need tons of exercise. Swimming and fetch are two favorites! They are eager to please and quick learners. My uncle has a lab who always needs something to do. She caught onto biking with people right away, she can open gates and pull weights, etc. She's the incredible lab!!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Our dog is a mix. We are not sure what she is..........we are thinking like a flat-coated retriever but no expert. She's a good dog though.
    • Silver
    Yeah they can be hyper but as long as you give them something to do they're fine. My boyfriend's mom bought Maggie a baby pool and fills it up with water for her on hot days. It's hilarious to watch her play in there. She'll run around the backyard at full speed and then run towards the pool, jump in and roll around in the cool water.

    They catch on to training really fast as well. When she was just a puppy and home for about a week I taught her how to sit on command. They also taught her how to back up. She'd want to play fetch inside the house so in order to get enough room to throw the ball they'd say, "back up, back up!" and she started to back up further and further away from them. It's funny to watch.

    • Silver
    They are beautiful little chocolates!  Their puppy coats look fuzzy like that until they get their adult coat that has an undercoat.  They look like pure breads to me but I am no expert.
    I have two labs, so stimulation and exercize is not a ;probem.  Mine romp and wrestle all day long- they have their own inside/outside kennel area.  When I had just one though, she was really bored when we were gone all day and was a little destructive and liked to play a little rougher that I wanted her to.  Now that we have two, they play rough with eachother but not with humans- it has worked out well for us.
    • Gold Top Dog
    They are pure breeds............their dad is a pure breed choclate lab. and their mom was a black lab. They are very cute and lovable. We already have a dog so I am hoping they will get along.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Labs are such great dogs. Good watch dogs, good with kids (once they're taught not to jump on them), usually good with other dogs, accept visitors eagery, big enough to intimidate prowlers. But they do take a fair amount of excerise. Luckily, most are pretty happy to play fetch for hours at a time, making the energy you have to expend somewhat minimal. My grandparents had labs for well over 50 years & my fiance had a lab. They're such loving dogs, it's easy to get attached. Be warned--if you make it past the destructive puppy stage, you'll probably end up having one or two or five for the rest of your life!
    • Gold Top Dog

    ORIGINAL: lovedogstoo

    The couple that had them couldn't take anymore of the loss (loosing the mamma that they had since it was little and the puppies) that they decide to find homes for them. They found 2 homes and this week I am puppy sitting for them (which I have 2 of them). They are only 3 weeks old.

    They found homes for the puppies at 3 weeks old? [:o] It's understandable that they were upset about losing the mom and some of the puppies, but that's what can happen when you breed! [&o] The very LEAST they could have done for the puppies that they brought into this world is to leave them with their littermates until they're 8 weeks old.

    Since orphaned puppies don't have their mom to teach them puppy manners you have to teach them bite inhibition on your own. Humans aren't nearly as good at doing that as the momma dog would be, so that can sometimes lead to problems. Best of luck to you if you decide to take one of the puppies.