What am I ???

    • Bronze

    What am I ???

    I'm just wanting some fresh eyes to see if anyone has any clue on what she is [:)] or if she is a GSD/lab as everyone thinks..
    She is 1 1/2, and she weighs approximately 57 pounds and she is around 24 inches tall...

    • Gold Top Dog
    theres a good deal of shepherd in her that i see. not sure if lab is the other half or not but very well could be.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I see the Shepherd in her and her face looks lab.  She is a beautiful girl!
    • Bronze
    I figured that there was a good bit of shepherd, but I not totally convinced of the lab side of it, and the only reason I think Lab is because she does have webbed feet, but she isnt as "blocky" as labs and her tail curls...[:)] but who knows, regardless I'm still love her no matter what she is :)
    • Gold Top Dog
    Rocky, the black dog in my sig, is actually lab/pit/boxer mixed!  His toes are webbed also but he hates water!!  I think I got a defective dog!
    • Gold Top Dog
    another consideration, since you mention the tail, is possibly a chow ancestor.
    my ex boss's son had a shepherd/chow dog.. though he may have been a shepherd/akita
    except he was on the medium side. Max's tail looked just like this ones and colours
    were the same except Max had a square blocky head which was either from
    chow or akita. his ears were strange though because... they stood up like
    a shepherds, but the tips were rounded.
    • Bronze
    LOL Chloe hates water too.....I bought her a kiddie pool, but she jumps over it and goes around it
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'd say mix of a mix of a mix. When dogs are left to breed amongst themselves, after a few generations a certain type starts to develop. Medium size, short hair, semi prick ears. I read something about that once. I'll see if I can find it...
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'd say mix of a mix of a mix.

    I second this, or maybe Chow something something.  I don't really see half GSD there, not the right face, back, body structure, etc.  Maybe some GSD in the mix, but I wouldn't say "GSD + something else".  The eyes and mouth seem more Chow.  Maybe lab, Chow, GSD all mixed in various generations?  I'd say that's a fine looking mutt.
    • Bronze
    Thanks everyone [:)] there were some breeds brought up that I never even thought about...thanks for the input...I still adore her regardless, but it would be a little nice to know sometimes [;)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I think that she's a sweet, pretty,  yellow dog who you love!  In her mind, I believe that is more than sufficient.[:)]
    • Bronze
    ORIGINAL: diane303

    I think that she's a sweet, pretty,  yellow dog who you love!  In her mind, I believe that is more than sufficient.[:)]

    Of course [;)] that is the most important thing of all [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I think you've got your Basic Brown Dog. Kind of the all the average dog genetics come home in one dog. The nice thing about Basic Brown Dogs is that they tend to be moderate in all things, not just their looks. Kind of a survival of the fittest thing.

    Have fun!
    • Silver
    Looks like an Anatolian Shepherd to me