What breed is this puppy?

    • Bronze

    What breed is this puppy?

    Hello all! I'm new here and I decided to become a member because I needed help identifying what type of dog this is. Select next to view more photos.


    I found this big pup wandering outside my apartment complex when I got home today. I waited around with him outside to see if anyone would come looking for him. We've put a picture in our mail center in case he belonged to someone in the complex. No one recognizes him and no one has contacted us. I'm starting to think he was dumped or abandoned. How sad. He's very loving, he's hyper and likes to chew on stuff but he's a puppy, I guess someone didn't have the patience puppies require. Fortunately, a close friend knows someone who is interested in giving him a home. I was just curious to what kind of pup he is. Thanks for your time and any help!
    • Bronze
    That last picture looks alot like my dog Max and I don't know what he is either.
    That puppy is such a cutie. Makes you wonder how people can just abandon a pup like that. I'm glad you found him and are seeing that he goes to a good home.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Oh, what a sweetie! How nice of you to take him in. (You've taken him to be scanned for a microchip already, right?) He looks mildly Rhodesian Ridgebacky to me, but I know very little, so take that as you will. [;)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Cute.  I would call him a yaller dog.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Cute. I would call him a yaller dog.

    haha my favourite breed!
    could be anything from a golden/shepherd/bully/lab mix.
    wont know for sure till he gets bigger. but guessing his breed comes easier if you have an idea of what dogs are popular in your area