do you all think this is a mix???

    • Gold Top Dog

    do you all think this is a mix???

    i saw this beauty on petfinder. however, i disagree with 'lab mix'. he looks a lot like my boy.
    • Gold Top Dog
    He does look like your baby and you know the contact is a german shepard rescue too, hmmmmmm
    • Gold Top Dog
    that was one of the wierder descriptions i've seen... he sure looks like your boy to me... wonder where they got "lab/terrier"?????
    • Gold Top Dog
    Heh, that definitely looks like your boy. Doesn't surprise me...I once saw an obviously purebred Bull  Terrier listed as a Bedlington/Basset hound cross....I guess since Bedlingtons also have those roman noses? [&:] It was one of the weirdest descriptions ever. Most shelter workers/ACO's don't know any more about breeds than anyone else. They just look at a little breed book and find something that works.
    That, and "lab" seems to be a catch-all. If they don't know what it is, they tend to just put "lab mix."
    • Gold Top Dog
    yeah that annoys me too about the little handy dandy dog book at the shelter.
    i have seen "Spinone" on some dogs paper work..... more like its a labradoodle.. but what ever.

    as for the dog in question.. maybe they said terrier cause he's small?
    and yeah thats weird... GSD rescue and they KNOW that dog isnt a lab or terrier....
    why lie? i almost want to email and ask them!

    edit.. again
    they say this one is a sheltland sheepdog sheltie mix.... i thought those were the same breed? not to mention i see more coyote than anything else.... hmm?
    • Gold Top Dog
    they say this one is a sheltland sheepdog sheltie mix.... i thought those were the same breed?

    I think they will include both if some people are searching for "sheltie" or others "shetland sheepdog".   I think Sheltie is far more commong, so JQP might not know a shetland sheepdog IS a sheltie.  I would guess it refers to a sheltie mix.  Doesn't look that sheltie though, huh?
    • Gold Top Dog
    Ummm. LAB??? NO.

    However, some people think anything black is a Lab mix.[8|]
    • Bronze
    Looks like a shepherd mix to me. Maybe he has web feet so they threw lab mix in there. I've also noticed the descriptions are off on some of those petfinder breeds and listing some as a female when the picture clearly shows it's a male.
    Your babies are beautiful.
    • Gold Top Dog
    That's really weird that he's listed as a Lab/Terrier Mix and he's with German Shepherd rescue and obviously looks very much like a GSD. He doesn't look purebred to me; he looks like a GSD mix.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Yep.  I've seen field type english setters listed as dalmation/border collie mixes.  Most of the time these breed descriptions are just creative guesses. 

    My step daughter adopted a big red hound that, judging by his looks, behavior and vocalization, was a coon hound (sounds like a coon-houd, runs like a coon=hound, looks like a coon-hound - probably a coon hound).  They had him listed as a Rhodesian Ridgeback/Lab.  
    • Gold Top Dog
    He's a beauty, though.  You know that he's got to be a large part - GSD.  He could probably gain a LPR on his looks.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I think it looks like he could be GSD/Lab.  Definitely not pure GSD (unless just reeally bad breeding), but he does have a lot of the right characteristics.  His coat looks a little shorter and his face a little blockier though, both of which could be Lab traits.  He also doesn't look big enough.  Though it is weird that they'd call him a Lab/Terrier??  Who knows...
    • Gold Top Dog
    i agree on the blocky head, but did anyone else notice the SLIGHT tan markings on his face [:D]
    i'm just gonna guess because i am not all that familiar with crossing breeds myself but it SEEMS that the dropped ears are a more dominant trait than the shepherd's upright ears (forgot the showring term for it)
    BUT i knew a guy that had a GSD/Doberman mix that had the wildest ears though. he was a saddle back but had a dobie body, and his ears looked like he could take flight any second. they didnt flop down, but they didnt quite stand up either.... and when he ran around or moved.. they danced!
    and a lady i used to work with adopted a shelter dog that was dobie shepherd, though his papers said lab mix... but he was black and tan with a dobie body but the ears were the same weirdness as the dog i just mentioned. the they stood straight up but the tips fell backwards.

    i have still met more lab/shepherd mixes (or so they claimed to be) that had lab ears. and most terriers have pricked or rose or dropped ears. some stand up, but none that look like this guy!

    sometimes i am tempted to go work at a shelter just so they will identify the dogs properly. telling someone this is a lab/terrier is like telling someone a jalapeño is a chocolate donut.
    i think some do it just to save the lives of controversial breeds and give them a new start because that shelter wont let them go if they are indeed that controversial breed, but its damaging all the same. breeds are different in many ways, and to call one by another name can be dangerous when people expect one behaviour and get another.
    labs dont act like terriers dont act like shepherds.
    [:'(] liars
    • Gold Top Dog
    I emailed them and asked. They said he acted lke a GSD, but he didn't have a GSD gait and he carried his tail above his back. He's still friggin' cute!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Some of the rescue groups use 'terrier' as a euphemism for 'pit bull terrier'