Help What Breed Is This??

    • Puppy

    Help What Breed Is This??

    Ok The man I got it from said it was 6 was the size of an 8-9 week old. His wife said it was an Australian Shepherd but they didn't know what the dad was. And my mom is bent on believing it is part wolf or coyote because he is biting and breaking skin already and a dog trainer said for his behiever to be as bad (and is bad) as it is now its a little unusual. ANYWAY here is his picture if anyone can tell what the othere half of him is PLEASE tell me...Oh and also he almost doubled in size 2 weeks after we got him.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Looks like an Aussie. Don't judge breed because she's biting...any dog can have biting issues.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: belgmal_girl
    Looks like an Aussie. Don't judge breed because she's biting...any dog can have biting issues.

    Sure looks like an Aussie to me, too.  Puppies that age bite & chew things- it feels good on those little gums while they're teething.  And those puppy teeth are definitely sharp enough to break skin.  Cute pup!
    • Gold Top Dog
    he looks aussie to me too. like the others said the biting is normal at this age. you need to work on helping him develop his bite inhibition. the "yelp" method helped when sydney was a puppy. when he bites you, do a high pitched yelp like his littermates would. it will take some time, but he will get the idea.
    • Gold Top Dog
    yeah looks very much like an aussie to me too...
    i knew a realestate agent that had a monster dog.... she is a lab lover by default... she went to the shelter to adopt a lab or lab mix. there she found a little black furball with "Lab X" written on her paperwork.... she brought the puppy home and as she grew the coat changed a wee bit, eventually it lightened enough to reveal merle markings and colouration, though from a distance she looked black... she had blue eyes as well, but this dog was the size of a newfoundland with similar coat texture. so much for the lab X lol
    and why does your mom think wolf just because its biting and breaking skin?
    yeah time to teach some manners fast....