opinions on breed?

    • Gold Top Dog

    opinions on breed?

    I asked this before when she was smaller, but I wanted some input now that she has changed a bit!  Here's Misty at 8 mos....she is the size of a border collie with the same body shape, but her fur is thicker/wavier, and her tail is wavy and looks like a big fat feather duster.  Her fur is the most luxuriously soft fur I have ever felt.  She barks when there is someone at the door, or another dog/cat outside...but not much otherwise.  She loves to fetch, and is extremely fast at learning. The only brown coloring on her is on her face.  She has some freckles on her nose and belly.  She has dew claws on the front, but not the back.  Her eyes are brown and her nose is black.
    It doesn't matter to me really...we love her, and think she's just beautiful...but she has us scratching our heads every time someone says "So, what kind of dog IS she?"


    • Gold Top Dog
    She could possibly have Australian Shepherd in her, she has rose ears, and her fur is a bit waving. BUT -- it still doesn't explain why she's white & has a brown patch around her eyes.
    Also could have a mixture of Great Pyrenees? I could be wrong tho I sometimes go on petfinder.com & compare the other breeds etc It's interesting to see what mixture breeds looks like lol :-) Misty is still a puppy, she has few inches to grow
    • Gold Top Dog
    She does look like she has a touch of Australian Shep. in her.  Her wavy fur looks sooooo soft!  About how much does she weigh?
    • Gold Top Dog
    yeah i agree with the aussie.... i had an aussie-pit/doberman years ago. his sister from the same litter looked just like this, while he looked like a big beagle with a curly tale. he was short haired and glossy and she was fluffy and stark white.
    so there could be aussie and.... MAYBE golden.....
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm just not really seeing the Aussie. White like this isn't common in Aussies, while it's extremely common in BCs. I think she's ee red, rather than sable - if you look carefully you can see "shepherd's marks" around her eyes, slightly lighter tan, which would show up as tri coloring in a black or bb red dog. ee red is a flavor that is highly regarded in some circles in the BC world, while it's few and far between in Aussies. And it's quite common in English Shepherds (and there's several breeders around here - I just had a call last week from someone who wanted to give up an ES with papers, arggh).

    My guess is English Shepherd/Border Collie mix, or pure Border Collie, or, very possibly, Border Collie and some off the wall breed like beagle or Jack Russell terrier.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Jennifer, it's funny because our last dog was supposedly a great pyrenees mix, but Misty looks more Pyr in the fur department than Bella did...but Bella had the pyr head.
    Bullymom, the last time we weighed her (holding her, on our scale) she was 37lbs.  This was about 6 weeks ago, and she has grown since then and it has become harder to pick her up.  If I had to guess, I'd say 42-44lbs.  She is larger than our neighbor's border collie in height by about 1-2".
    Becca, we used to think maybe she had some JRT in her until she got so big!  They told us she was an aussie mix when we adopted her, but that was a guess.  Her one brother and sister were merled...an all over merle, but more of a tan look to it, not a blue merle.  The other sister was identical to her only she had a red ear and a spot on her hiney.  I really like English Shepherds...if you ever get a call from someone again, and it's a younger dog with a good temperament, I might be tempted to think about taking him/her.  I think we're about 90 minutes from you (Clayton, NC) We'd love to have a buddy for Misty.  We wanted to get a pyr, but that was when we thought we were buying acreage and having animals on it. We have put that off because the land here has almost doubled in price, and we can't afford to buy it AND build the house we want!!! 
    Thanks everyone for the input...keep the guesses coming, it's interesting!!!
    This is the markings on the other siblings
    • Gold Top Dog
    What about a border collie/aussie and setter or spaniel mix?  They tend to have the wavy coats, and the English setter and some spaniels (maybe a springer) have similar markings. 
    From the merle colors of the other pups, I'm thinking maybe aussie more than border collie, although I know border collies do come in merle.  Merle borders are rarer colors, though, aren't they? 
    • Gold Top Dog
    Merles are not rare at all in the Triangle area, especially from that breeder. But the other sib shown DOES look like and Aussie, and not just because of the coloring. The head, expression, earset, all look very Aussie. So, maybe English Shepherd/Aussie?

    How would you feel about a Border Collie/Pyr mix? I've got a boy here who needs an active home with a big heart to share with him! I call Indy my Farm Collie because the mix makes a dog that is a lot like the Old Farm Collies - Border Collie shape and coat, some working instinct (but herds like a Collie, not a BC), and with guarding instincts (he has a "need to know" and alert barks like a Pyr). He's drop dead gorgeous with a pretty full, soft coat, flashy markings, and a jaunty half-mask face. There's an old wives' tale about the half mask - if the black is on the left side, it's a good dog. Right side is trouble. Indy is a mischief-maker, but his mask is on the left so I guess he'll grow out of it. [:D]

    If you'd be interested in talking about him, you can e-mail me at shouse @ mebtel.net (take out the spaces).
    • Gold Top Dog
    the picture I posted was one I got from a border collie website, so I think that's a BC...I just was showing an example of what the fur of the other two was like.
    Here is our former dog who was supposedly half border collie, half great pyrenees.  She passed away in October at 10 mos old due to either a spenetic tumor or autoimmune hemolytic anemia.  We opted to try and save her without the blood transfusion (didn't have $3K to spare, and still spent over $1000) and it didn't work.  She was named Bella, and we adored her.  How old is Indy?  Do you have any pictures?  We got Bella in Lexington, and she would be about 18 mos old right now if we still had her.  We obviously liked her look, because Misty sure resembles her in a way.  Some neighbors who didn't see us much over the winter thought Misty was the same dog!


    • Gold Top Dog
    If I can, I'll get some pictures tomorrow - I've got a dog at the vet in critical condition so I can't make any promises about getting anything done tomorrow, bt I'll sure try.

    Indy is split faced like Bella, even colored on the same side, but he is black and white instead of red tri. He's also got more black on his body - he's colored more or less like a BC. He's got the same ears as Bella and Misty both.[:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    WOW. Your pup looks just like my Gwen!! Maybe a little thicker in the shoulders/chest, but other then that they look very much alike!

    not to hijack, but just to show you how similar they are, here's Gwen:

    We tend to think Gwen is Aussie/lab, we've considered some kind of spaniel mix, or BC mix but we keep coming back to aussie/lab. Your Misty is probably similar since they look so much alike!

    edited to add that I wish I had a picture taken from the same angle as your first picture, because the pattern/waviness of the hair on the back and the tail is exactly the same. kind of bizarre!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Oh MY GOSH......you aren't by any chance, from NC are you?  I'd swear your dog is my dog if I didn't know better.  I had been wanting to find Misty's sisters, but I never was able to!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I do indeed live in NC! *runs to PM box*
    • Bronze
    I would say misty is a border collie crossed with a terrier but not sure which one. She has the face of a collie but he tail looks like my dogs and hes a cross between a bearded collie and a 'terrier'
    She is cute though!
    • Gold Top Dog
    What beautiful dogs!
    Care to share any updates? Are Misty and Gwen related?